
This page expose the ServerAttribute and ServerAttributeImpl code.

ServerAttribute Interface

<apache license here>
import java.util.Iterator;

import javax.naming.NamingException;


 * This interface defines the valid operations on a particular attribute of a
 * directory entry.
 * <p>
 * An attribute can have zero or more values. The value may be null. Values are
 * not ordered
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * The indexed operations work as if the values
 * added previously to the attribute had been done using ordered semantics. For
 * example, if the values "a", "b" and "c" were previously added to an unordered
 * attribute using "<code>add("a"); add("b"); add("c");</code>", it is
 * equivalent to adding the same objects to an ordered attribute using "<code>add(0,"a"); add(1,"b"); add(2,"c");</code>".
 * In this case, if we do "<code>remove(1)</code>" on the unordered list,
 * the value "b" is removed, changing the index of "c" to 1.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Multiple null values can be added to an attribute. It is not the same as
 * having no values on an attribute. If a null value is added to an unordered
 * attribute which already has a null value, the <code>add</code> method has
 * no effect.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Note that updates to the attribute via this interface do not affect the
 * directory directly.
 * </p>
 * This interface represents an attribute used internally by the
 * server. It's a subset of the, where
 * some methods have been removed, and which manipulates Value instead
 * of Object
 * @author <a href=""> Apache Directory Project</a>
 * @version $Rev: 499013 $
public interface ServerAttribute extends Cloneable, Serializable
     * Adds a value to this attribute. If the new value is already present in
     * the attribute values, the method has no effect.
     * <p>
     * The new value is added at the end of list of values.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This method returns true or false to indicate whether a value was added.
     * </p>
     * @param val a new value to be added which may be null
     * @return true if a value was added, otherwise false
    boolean add( Value<?> val );

     * Adds a value to this attribute. If the new value is already present in
     * the attribute values, the method has no effect.
     * <p>
     * The new value is added at the end of list of values.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This method returns true or false to indicate whether a value was added.
     * </p>
     * @param val a new value to be added which may be null
     * @return true if a value was added, otherwise false
    boolean add( String val );

     * Adds a value to this attribute. If the new value is already present in
     * the attribute values, the method has no effect.
     * <p>
     * The new value is added at the end of list of values.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This method returns true or false to indicate whether a value was added.
     * </p>
     * @param val a new value to be added which may be null
     * @return true if a value was added, otherwise false
    boolean add( byte[] val );

     * Removes all values of this attribute.
    void clear();

     * Returns a deep copy of the attribute containing all the same values. The
     * values <b>are</b> cloned.
     * @return a deep clone of this attribute
    ServerAttribute clone();

     * Indicates whether the specified value is one of the attribute's values.
     * @param val the value which may be null
     * @return true if this attribute contains the value, otherwise false
    boolean contains( Value<?> val );

     * Indicates whether the specified value is one of the attribute's values.
     * @param val the value which may be null
     * @return true if this attribute contains the value, otherwise false
    boolean contains( String val );

     * Indicates whether the specified value is one of the attribute's values.
     * @param val the value which may be null
     * @return true if this attribute contains the value, otherwise false
    boolean contains( byte[] val );

     * Gets a value of this attribute. Returns the first one, if many.
     * <code>null</code> is a valid value.
     * <p>
     * If the attribute has no values this method throws
     * <code>NoSuchElementException</code>.
     * </p>
     * @return a value of this attribute
     * @throws NamingException If the attribute has no value.
    Value<?> get() throws NamingException;

     * Returns an enumeration of all the attribute's values.
     * <p>
     * The effect on the returned enumeration of adding or removing values of
     * the attribute is not specified.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This method will throw any <code>NamingException</code> that occurs.
     * </p>
     * @return an enumeration of all values of the attribute
     * @throws NamingException If any <code>NamingException</code> occurs.
    Iterator<Value<?>> getAll() throws NamingException;

     * Returns the identity of this attribute. This method is not expected to
     * return null.
     * @return The id of this attribute
    String getID();

     * Returns the OID of this attribute. This method is not expected to
     * return null.
     * @return The OID of this attribute
    OID getOid();

      * Retrieves the number of values in this attribute.
      * @return The number of values in this attribute, including the null value
      * if there is one.
    int size();

     * Removes a value that is equal to the given value.
     * <p>
     * Returns true if a value is removed. If there is no value equal to <code>
     * val</code> this method simply returns false.
     * </p>
     * @param val the value to be removed
     * @return true if the value is removed, otherwise false
    boolean remove( Value<?> val );

     * Removes a value that is equal to the given value.
     * <p>
     * Returns true if a value is removed. If there is no value equal to <code>
     * val</code> this method simply returns false.
     * </p>
     * @param val the value to be removed
     * @return true if the value is removed, otherwise false
    boolean remove( byte[] val );

     * Removes a value that is equal to the given value.
     * <p>
     * Returns true if a value is removed. If there is no value equal to <code>
     * val</code> this method simply returns false.
     * </p>
     * @param val the value to be removed
     * @return true if the value is removed, otherwise false
    boolean remove( String val );

     * Normalize the attribute, setting the OID and normalizing the values
     * @param oid The attribute OID
     * @param normalizer The normalizer
     * @throws NamingException when normalization fails
    void normalize( OID oid, Normalizer normalizer ) throws NamingException;

ServerAttributeImpl Implemented class

<apache license here>
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Attribute implementation.
 * @author <a href=""> Apache Directory Project</a>
 * @version $Rev: 499013 $
public class ServerAttributeImpl implements ServerAttribute, Serializable, Cloneable
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( ServerAttributeImpl.class );

    /** For serialization */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;

    /** the name of the attribute, case sensitive */
    private final String upId;

    /** the OID of the attribute */
    private OID oid;

    /** In case we have only one value, just use this container */
    private Value<?> value;

    /** the list of attribute values, if unordered */
    private List<Value<?>> values;

    /** A size to handle the number of values, as one of them can be null */
    private int size;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Constructors
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Creates a ServerAttribute with an id
     * @param id the id or name of this attribute.
     * @throws NamingException if the id is null
    public ServerAttributeImpl( String id ) throws NamingException
        if ( StringTools.isEmpty( id ) )
            LOG.error( "Attributes with an empty ID or OID are not allowed" );
            throw new NamingException( "Attributes with an empty ID or OID are not allowed" );

        upId = id;
        value = null;
        values = null;
        oid = null;
        size = 0;

     * Creates a ServerAttribute with an oid
     * @param oid the oid of this attribute.
     * @throws NamingException if the oid is null
    public ServerAttributeImpl( OID oid ) throws NamingException
        if ( oid == null )
            LOG.error( "Attributes with an empty ID or OID are not allowed" );
            throw new NamingException( "Attributes with an empty ID or OID are not allowed" );

        upId = oid.toString();
        value = null;
        values = null;
        this.oid = oid;
        size = 0;

     * Creates a ServerAttribute with an id and a value
     * @param id the id or name of this attribute.
     * @param val the attribute's value
     * @throws NamingException if the id is invalid
    public ServerAttributeImpl( String id, Value<?> val ) throws NamingException
        if ( StringTools.isEmpty( id ) )
            LOG.error( "Attributes with an empty ID or OID are not allowed" );
            throw new NamingException( "Attributes with an empty ID or OID are not allowed" );

        upId = id;
        value = val;
        values = null;
        oid = null;
        size = 1;

     * Creates a ServerAttribute with an oid and a value
     * @param oid the oid of this attribute.
     * @param val the attribute's value
     * @throws NamingException if the oid is invalid
    public ServerAttributeImpl( OID oid, Value<?> val ) throws NamingException
        if ( oid == null )
            LOG.error( "Attributes with an empty ID or OID are not allowed" );
            throw new NamingException( "Attributes with an empty ID or OID are not allowed" );

        upId = oid.toString();
        value = val;
        values = null;
        this.oid = oid;
        size = 1;

     * Creates a ServerAttribute with an id and a byte[] value
     * @param id the id or name of this attribute.
     * @param val a value for the attribute
     * @throws NamingException if the id string is invalid
    public ServerAttributeImpl( String id, byte[] val ) throws NamingException
        if ( StringTools.isEmpty( id ) )
            LOG.error( "Attributes with an empty ID or OID are not allowed" );
            throw new NamingException( "Attributes with an empty ID or OID are not allowed" );

        upId = id;
        values = null;
        value = new BinaryValue( val );
        oid = null;
        size = 1;

     * Creates a ServerAttribute with an oid and a byte[] value
     * @param oid the oid of this attribute.
     * @param val a value for the attribute
     * @throws NamingException if the oid is invalid
    public ServerAttributeImpl( OID oid, byte[] val ) throws NamingException
        if ( oid == null )
            LOG.error( "Attributes with an empty ID or OID are not allowed" );
            throw new NamingException( "Attributes with an empty ID or OID are not allowed" );

        upId = oid.toString();
        values = null;
        value = new BinaryValue( val );
        this.oid = oid;
        size = 1;

     * Creates a ServerAttribute with an id and a String value
     * @param id the id or name of this attribute.
     * @param val a value for the attribute
     * @throws NamingException if the id string is invalid
    public ServerAttributeImpl( String id, String val ) throws NamingException
        if ( StringTools.isEmpty( id ) )
            LOG.error( "Attributes with an empty ID or OID are not allowed" );
            throw new NamingException( "Attributes with an empty ID or OID are not allowed" );

        upId = id;
        values = null;
        value = new StringValue( val );
        oid = null;
        size = 1;

     * Creates a ServerAttribute with an oid and a String value
     * @param oid the oid of this attribute.
     * @param val a value for the attribute
     * @throws NamingException if there's no OID provided
    public ServerAttributeImpl( OID oid, String val ) throws NamingException
        if ( oid == null )
            LOG.error( "Attributes with an empty ID or OID are not allowed" );
            throw new NamingException( "Attributes with an empty ID or OID are not allowed" );

        upId = oid.toString();
        values = null;
        value = new StringValue( val );
        this.oid = oid;
        size = 1;

     * Create a copy of an Attribute, be it an ServerAttributeImpl
     * instance of a BasicAttribute instance
     * @param attribute the Attribute instace to copy
     * @throws NamingException if the attribute is not an instance of BasicAttribute
     * or ServerAttributeImpl or is null
    public ServerAttributeImpl( Attribute attribute ) throws NamingException
        if ( attribute == null )
            LOG.error(  "Null attribute is not allowed" );
            throw new NamingException( "Null attribute is not allowed" );
        else if ( attribute instanceof ServerAttributeImpl )
            ServerAttributeImpl copy = (ServerAttributeImpl)attribute;

            upId  = copy.upId;
            oid = copy.oid;

            switch ( copy.size() )
                case 0:
                    values = null;
                    value = null;
                    size = 0;

                case 1:
                    value = getClonedValue( copy.get() );
                    values = null;
                    size = 1;

                default :
                    value = null;
                    values = new ArrayList<Value<?>>( copy.size() );

                    Iterator<Value<?>> vals = copy.getAll();

                    while ( vals.hasNext() )
                        Value<?> val =;
                        values.add( val );

                    size = copy.size();


            oid = null;
        else if ( attribute instanceof BasicAttribute )
            upId = attribute.getID();
            oid = null;

            switch ( attribute.size() )
                case 0 :
                    value = null;
                    values = null;
                    size = 0;

                case 1 :
                    Object val = attribute.get();

                    if ( val instanceof String )
                        value = new StringValue( (String)val );
                    else if ( val instanceof byte[] )
                        value = new BinaryValue( (byte[])val );
                        LOG.error( "The value's type is not String or byte[]" );
                        throw new NamingException( "The value's type is not String or byte[]" );

                    values = null;
                    size = 1;


                default :
                    NamingEnumeration<?> vals = attribute.getAll();

                    while ( vals.hasMoreElements() )
                        val = vals.nextElement();

                        if ( val instanceof String )
                            value = new StringValue( (String)val );
                        else if ( val instanceof byte[] )
                            value = new BinaryValue( (byte[])val );
                            LOG.error( "The value's type is not String or byte[]" );
                            throw new NamingException( "The value's type is not String or byte[]" );

                    values = null;
                    size = attribute.size();

            LOG.error( "Attribute must be an instance of BasicAttribute or AttributeImpl" );
            throw new NamingException( "Attribute must be an instance of BasicAttribute or AttributeImpl" );

     * Clone a value. This private message is used to avoid adding try--catch
     * all over the code.
     * @param value the value to clone
     * @return the value that was cloned
    private Value<?> getClonedValue( Value<?> value )
        if ( value == null )
            return new StringValue( null );
            return value.clone();
        catch ( CloneNotSupportedException csne )
            return new StringValue( null );

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ServerAttribute Interface Method Implementations
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Gets a Iterator wrapped around the iterator of the value list.
     * @return the Iterator wrapped as a NamingEnumberation.
    public Iterator<Value<?>> getAll()
        if ( size < 2 )
            return new Iterator<Value<?>>()
                private boolean more = (value != null);

                public boolean hasNext()
                    return more;

                public Value<?> next()
                    more = false;
                    return value;

                public void remove()
                    value = null;
                    more = true;
            return values.iterator();

     * Gets the first value of the list or null if no values exist.
     * @return the first value or null.
    public Value<?> get()
        switch ( size )
            case 0 :
                return null;

            case 1 :
                return value;

            default :
                return values.get( 0 );

     * Gets the size of the value list.
     * @return size of the value list.
    public int size()
        return size;

     * Gets the id or name of this Attribute.
     * @return the identifier for this Attribute.
    public String getID()
        return upId;

     * Gets the OID of this Attribute.
     * @return the OID for this Attribute.
    public OID getOid()
        return oid;

     * Checks to see if this Attribute contains val in the list.
     * @param val the value to test for
     * @return true if val is in the list backing store, false otherwise
    public boolean contains( Value<?> val )
        switch ( size )
            case 0 :
                return false;

            case 1 :
                return AttributeUtils.equals( value, val );

            default :
                for ( Value<?> value:values )
                    if ( AttributeUtils.equals( value, val ) )
                        return true;

                return false;

     * Checks to see if this Attribute contains val in the list.
     * @param val the value to test for
     * @return true if val is in the list backing store, false otherwise
    public boolean contains( String val )
        return contains( new StringValue( val) );

     * Checks to see if this Attribute contains val in the list.
     * @param val the value to test for
     * @return true if val is in the list backing store, false otherwise
    public boolean contains( byte[] val )
        return contains( new BinaryValue( val) );

     * Adds val into the list of this Attribute's values at the end of the
     * list.
     * @param val the value to add to the end of the list.
     * @return true if val is added to the list backing store, false if it
     *         already existed there.
    public boolean add( Value<?> val )
        if ( contains( val ) )
            // Do not duplicate values
            return true;

        // First copy the value
        val = getClonedValue( val );

        switch ( size() )
            case 0 :
                value = val;
                return true;

            case 1 :
                // We can't store different kind of Values in the attribute
                // The null value is an exception, as it is not associated
                // with a StringValue or a BinaryValue
                if ( ( value.getValue() != null) && ( val.getValue() != null ) &&
                     ( value.getClass() != val.getClass() ) )
                    return false;

                // value is never null.
                if ( value.equals( val ) )
                    // Don't add two times the same value
                    return true;
                    values = new ArrayList<Value<?>>();
                    values.add( value );
                    values.add( val );
                    value = null;
                    return true;

            default :
                Value<?> firstValue = values.get( 0 );

                if ( firstValue.getValue() == null )
                    firstValue = values.get( 1 );

                // We can't store different kind of Values in the attribute
                if ( ( val.getValue() != null ) &&
                     ( firstValue.getValue().getClass() != val.getClass() ) )
                    return false;

                if ( values.contains( val ) )
                    // Don't add two times the same value
                    return true;
                    values.add( val );
                    return false;

     * Adds val into the list of this Attribute's values at the end of the
     * list.
     * @param val the value to add to the end of the list.
     * @return true if val is added to the list backing store, false if it
     *         already existed there.
    public boolean add( String val )
        return add( new StringValue( val) );

     * Adds val into the list of this Attribute's values at the end of the
     * list.
     * @param val the value to add to the end of the list.
     * @return true if val is added to the list backing store, false if it
     *         already existed there.
    public boolean add( byte[] val )
        return add( new BinaryValue( val) );

     * Removes val from the list of this Attribute's values.
     * @param val the value to remove
     * @return true if val is remove from the list backing store, false if
     *         never existed there.
    public boolean remove( Value<?> val )
        if ( contains( val) )
            switch ( size )
                case 0 :
                    return false;

                case 1 :
                    value = null;
                    size = 0;
                    return true;

                case 2 :
                    values.remove( val );
                    value = values.get(0);
                    values = null;
                    return true;

                default :
                    values.remove( val );
                    return true;
            return false;

     * Removes val from the list of this Attribute's values.
     * @param val the value to remove
     * @return true if val is remove from the list backing store, false if
     *         never existed there.
    public boolean remove( String val )
        return remove( new StringValue( val ) );

     * Removes val from the list of this Attribute's values.
     * @param val the value to remove
     * @return true if val is remove from the list backing store, false if
     *         never existed there.
    public boolean remove( byte[] val )
        return remove( new BinaryValue( val ) );

     * Removes all the values of this Attribute from the list backing store.
    public void clear()
        switch ( size )
            case 0 :

            case 1 :
                value = null;
                size = 0;

            default :
                values = null;
                size = 0;

     * Not a deep clone.
     * @return a copy of this attribute using the same parent lock and id
     *         containing references to all the values of the original.
    public ServerAttribute clone()
            ServerAttributeImpl clone = (ServerAttributeImpl)super.clone();

            // Simply copy the OID.
            clone.oid = oid;

            if ( size < 2 )
                clone.value = value.clone();
                clone.values = new ArrayList<Value<?>>( values.size() );

                for ( Value<?> value:values )
                    Value<?> newValue = value.clone();
                    clone.values.add( newValue );

            return clone;
        catch ( CloneNotSupportedException cnse )
            return null;

     * Checks for equality between this Attribute instance and another. The
     * Attribute ID's are compared with regard to case.
     * The values are supposed to have been normalized first
     * @param obj the Attribute to test for equality
     * @return true if the obj is an Attribute and equals this Attribute false
     *         otherwise
    public boolean equals( Object obj )
        if ( obj == this )
            return true;

        if ( ( obj == null ) || !( obj instanceof ServerAttributeImpl ) )
            return false;

        ServerAttributeImpl attr = ( ServerAttributeImpl ) obj;

        if ( attr.oid != oid )
            return false;

        if ( !upId.equalsIgnoreCase( attr.getID() ) )
            return false;

        if ( attr.size != size )
            return false;

        switch ( size )
            case 0 :
                return true;

            case 1 :
                return ( value.equals( attr.get() ) );

            default :
                Iterator<Value<?>> vals = getAll();

                while ( vals.hasNext() )
                    Value<?> val =;

                    if ( !attr.contains( val ) )
                        return false;

                return true;

     * Normalize the attribute, setting the OID and normalizing the values
     * @param oid The attribute OID
     * @param normalizer The normalizer
    public void normalize( OID oid, Normalizer normalizer ) throws NamingException
        this.oid = oid;

        switch ( size )
            case 0 :

            case 1 :
                value.normalize( normalizer );

            default :
                for ( Value value:values)
                    value.normalize( normalizer );

     * @see Object#toString()
    public String toString()
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        sb.append( "ServerAttribute id : '" ).append( upId ).append( "', " );

        if ( oid != null )
            sb.append( " OID : " ).append( oid ).append( '\n' );

        sb.append( " Values : [");

        switch ( size )
            case 0 :
                sb.append( "]\n" );

            case 1 :
                sb.append( '\'' ).append( value ).append( '\'' );
                sb.append( "]\n" );

            default :
                boolean isFirst = true;

                for ( Value<?> value:values )
                    if ( !isFirst )
                        sb.append( ", " );
                        isFirst = false;

                    sb.append( '\'' ).append( value ).append( '\'' );

                sb.append( "]\n" );

        return sb.toString();
  • No labels


  1. I was just thinking about adding one more method :

    Value getValue( int index )

    We may need to get a specific value from the list of values, or to iterate throw the list of values with a for( int i = 0; attribute.size(); i++ ), if we want to remove some value from the list

    Another thing : the Iterator must allow value removal. Not sure this is the case right now.

  2. Another tricky point is the use of OIDs only in ServerAttribute. As we are inside the server, it makes sense to manipulate only OID, as the attributes have been normalized.

    The only problem with this approach is that the codec currently feed the requests (Add, Modify, etc) with BasicAttributes. To use ServerAttribute instead of BasicAttributes, we will have a way to convert IDs to OIDs inside the codec, which means we have access to the <ID, OID> map into the codec. Not necessarily the best idea on earth, as we may not have access to this map, especially if we use the shared-ldap library for a client (Studio, for instance).

    What could be done is to define a ClientAttribute which handle IDs and not OIDs, and provide a util method to convert ClientAttribute to ServerAttribute, conversion done in the NormalizationInterceptor.