Architecting the Modern LDAP Renaissance: The Apache Directory Vision


Directory technology is an indivisible cornerstone in computing science and LDAP specifically is essential in several industries however it is severely underutilized. One would expect the demand for LDAP to increase as infrastructures and the Internet grow, with more boundaries, nodes, services, users and ways of doing business emerging rapidly. Directories inherently solve integration problems yet more integration problems appear while complexities of existing problems are compounded. We're not witnessing a proportional increase in the adoption rate of directories; namely LDAP directories. This is not a coincidence. It is the result of a lack of several factors: tooling support, courses on directory technology in academia, qualified domain experts and rich integration constructs. More specifically, information architects and key decision makers incorrectly choose to apply ad hoc solutions to problems rather than opting to using directories. If these limitations are removed then there would be greater comfort, flexibility and adoption. LDAP could do more than it does today namely in the area of provisioning and workflow. LDAP could potentially experience a Renaissance with renewed interest due to increased demand to solve the classical integration problems it was designed for and beyond. We discuss these limitations, and the proposed means to remove them, all in an effort to express our vision at the Apache Directory Project. Our aim is clear; we intend to influence and incite other directory implementers and projects by our example to trigger what we envision as the Modern LDAP Renaissance.


  • presented by Alex Karasulu on September 6 at LDAPcon in Cologne, Germany.


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