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Comment: Added CamelEndpoint client sample



This tutorial is a work in progress. Any additions, corrections or feedback very much appreciated. Please use the comment box if making a correction explaining the mistake.was kindly donated to Apache Camel by Martin Gilday.


This tutorial aims to guide the reader through the stages of creating a project which uses Camel to facilitate the routing of messages from a JMS queue to a Spring service. The route works in a synchronous fashion returning a response to the client.


Notice: The JMS component is configured in standard Spring beans, but the gem is that the bean id can be referenced from Camel routes - meaning we can do routing using the JMS Component by just using jms: prefix in the route URI. What happens is that Camel will find in the Spring Registry for a bean with the id="jms". Since the bean id can have arbitrary name you could have named it id="jmsbroker" and then referenced to it in the routing as {{ from="jmsbroker:queue:numbers).to("multiplier");
We use the vm protocol to connect to the ActiveMQ server as its embedded in this application.


Defines the package to be scanned for Spring stereotype annotations, in this case, to load the "multiplier" bean


Defines the package to be scanned for Camel routes. Will find the ServerRoutes class and create the routes contained within it

jms bean

Creates the Camel JMS component

AOP Enabled Server

The example has an enhanced Server example that uses fullblown AspejctJ AOP for doing a audit tracking of invocations of the business service.


Or for the AOP enabled Server example:
mvn compile exec:java -PCamelServerAOP

Creating the Client

The Clients

This sample has three clients demonstrating different Camel techniques for communication

  • CamelClient using the ProducerTemplate for Spring template style coding
  • CamelRemoting using Spring Remoting
  • CamelEndpoint using the Message Endpoint EIP pattern using a neutral Camel API

Client Using The ProducerTemplate

We will initially create a We will initially create a client by directly using ProducerTemplate. We will later create a client which uses Spring remoting to hide the fact that messaging is being used.


Before running the client be sure that both the ActiveMQ broker and the CamelServer are running.

Client Using Spring Remoting

Spring Remoting "eases the development of remote-enabled services". It does this by allowing you to invoke remote services through your regular Java interface, masking that a remote service is being called.


  1. The Spring context is created with the new camel-client-remoting.xml
  2. We retrieve the proxy bean instead of a ProducerTemplate. In a non-trivial example you would have the bean injected as in the standard Spring manner.
  3. The multiply method is then called directly. In the client we are now working to an interface. There is no mention of Camel or JMS inside our Java code.

Client Using Message Endpoint EIP Pattern

This client uses the Message Endpoint EIP pattern to hide the complexity to communicate to the Server. The Client uses the same simple API to get hold of the endpoint, create an exchange that holds the message, set the payload and create a producer that does the send and receive. All done using the same neutral Camel API for all the components in Camel. So if the communication was socket TCP based you just get hold of a different endpoint and all the java code stays the same. That is really powerful.

Okay enough talk, show me the code!

Wiki Markup

Switching to a different component is just a matter of using the correct endpoint. So if we had defined a TCP endpoint as: "mina:tcp://localhost:61616" then its just a matter of getting hold of this endpoint instead of the JMS and all the rest of the java code is exactly the same.

Using the Camel Maven Plugin
