Location: diva-e, Berlin Südkreuz
Date: September 28th, 2023
Time: 10:00 - 16:45


Proposed topics

TopicSummaryParticipantsProposed duration
Switch to Jakarta APIs

Is Sling becoming too fat?In e.g. Sling XSS there is a considerable increase in dependencies.

Is maintaining proper features (OSGi, Karaf) worth the effort?

In 936eb9f a bundle was added to feature models-jacksonexporter for XSS.

Could we use dependencies to create and manage proper features?

Is it supported by OSGi Features?

Features may have dependencies on other Features.

Tie-in discussion: how do we structure our features? We currently have:

  • library : jackson
  • function: validation, maintenance, scripting
  • deployment: docker

There is also a question of whether the healthcheck webconsole bundle belongs in the healthcheck or the webconsole feature. Or maybe in a healthcheck-webconsole feature?

Adopt SLF4J 2.x

Enforcing CI checks for pull requests

Classify modules and enfore specific CI checks, based on module maturity/risk profile.

Migrate Sling Models/CAConfig Integration Tests to Sling 12/Feature Model

Integration tests are currently broken or use very outdated Sling Starter. Goal would be to switch to Sling 12+Feature Module and move the integration tests in the actual codebase of the implementation classes, no separate codebase for ITs.

see also discussion in https://lists.apache.org/thread/fwwnb2hyqf2t2ko4pfmhhxd7wrhwmbh6

WIP in https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-models-impl/pull/46

Required Java Versions for Building and Running

Bnd 7.x requires Java 17+ (https://github.com/bndtools/bnd/wiki/Changes-in-7.0.0)

Drop Java 8 x support at run time ()

Drop also Java 11 support at run time?

Changing poms to reference GitHub (url only)

All our POMs reference gitbox for the 'browse' URL, e.g. https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf?p=sling-org-apache-sling-engine.git . These URLs currently redirect to github.

The 'browse URL' is sometimes used by tooling to point people to repositories and using GitHub directly might be nicer. Also tooling like renovate uses the github.com URLs to extract changelogs for bundle updates.

Create 'apache/sling' entry point repository on GitHub

A long time ago (6 years?) we set up a redirect from apache/sling to https://github.com/apache/sling-old-svn-mirror as we moved away to invidual modules. At this point this repository has served its usefulness and we can probably stop worrying about stale links and create a nice, welcoming, entry point repository at https://github.com/apache/sling that is better serving new users.

Discussed Topics

List of topics discussed during Sling Committer Round Table (Sept. 26th 2023) and Sling Hackathon (Sept. 28th 2023), most of them marked with a Community Member who plans to bring this discussion to the mailing list or make further proposals.

1) Jakarta Servlet API

Carsten Ziegeler  will start the discussion - dev@sling - [RT] Path to Jakarta Servlet Specification

2) Java Version Support

Konrad Windszus 

3) JIRA Cleanup

4) Unify ways of doing ITs in Sling? / Bringing ITs to implementation repo

Konrad Windszus  Stefan Seifert  to bring the ITs for models and context-aware configuration in an acceptable shape

5) SLF4J 2

Konrad Windszus  will come up with a lightweight first proposal

6) Generate Karaf features out of OSGi features

Carsten Ziegeler Oliver Lietz 

7) Better Search for Sling Website

Bertrand Delacretaz 

8) Changing POM URL References to GitHub

Robert Munteanu -

9) Create 'apache/sling" entry point on GitHub

Robert Munteanu /

10) Enforce CI checks for pull requests?

12) Is Sling becoming too fat?

13) Cleanup Sling Starter

Historical references: https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-starter/commit/873905db6c0241c4dcc8b016d7b7e2bf60ff7270 /

Karl Pauls 

14) Create a shared/reusable Sets of Sonar Rules

Robert Munteanu  will get in touch with ASF infra if there is a possibility to auto-assign certain quality profiles to all of our sling modules without doing this manually

Stefan Seifert  can help setting up the quality profiles based on those used for wcm.io OSGi modules

15) Change convention for Sling-Initial-Content folder

Oliver Lietz 

16) Switch to GitHub issues?

17) Use Sling for our website?

Karl Pauls