
WADI Clustering Support

Web-applications and Stateful SessionBeans (Geronimo 2.2+) can be clustered by WADI. In order to cluster these components, their Geronimo deployment descriptors are augmented with specific XML elements. These elements define various clustering parameters controlling how underlying WADI's components are wired and set-up upon application deployment.

Clustering Configurations

The two following configurations, shipped out-of-the-box with JEE5 assemblies, must be installed for clustering to work properly:

Clustering of Web-applications

Updating your Deployment Descriptors

Standard and Geronimo specific deployment descriptors must be updated as follows:

If you are using a Tomcat assembly of Geronimo distribution, replace <clustering-wadi/> with <tomcat-clustering-wadi/> element in the deployment plan.

Jetty Web-application Clustering Configurations

The two following configurations, shipped out-of-the-box with the JEE5 Jetty assemblies, must be installed for clustering to work:

Tomcat Web-application Clustering Configurations

Tomcat configurations mirror Jetty's ones except that jetty6-X artifact IDs should be replaced by tomcat6-X.