Sources for the Apache Abdera project are currently managed through Subversion (SVN).
Web access to Subversion
If you just want to browse the source code, you can use the web interface to Subversion.
Normal Subversion Access
Anyone can check code out of Subversion. You only need to specify a username and password in order to update the Subversion repository but only Abdera committers have the permissions to do that.
Check out from Subversion
You can use the command line in order to check out the current version of Abdera code:
svn checkout
Commit Changes to Subversion
Any Abdera committer should have access to the abdera repository at If not please write a mail to
Please make sure that you used a secure connection for checkout (or use relocate):
svn checkout
Committing changes:
svn commit
If Subversion can't figure out your username, you can tell it explicitly:
svn --username you commit
Subversion will prompt you for a password, and once you enter it once, it will remember it for you.
Building with Ant
export ABDERA_XMLSECURITY=true export ABDERA_SPRING=true ant -f build/build.xml zips
Set ABDERA_XMLSECURITY to true to build the security module.
Set ABDERA_SPRING to true to build the spring module.
Building with Maven
Building with Maven requires Maven 2.0.8 and should be as simple as:
$ cd abdera $ mvn install
To build the distribution, include the deploy profile:
$ mvn install -Pdeploy