Apache Airavata

Presentation slide decks used for introducing Apache Airavata at XSEDE12, can be found here.

XSEDE12: Building Science Gateways with Apache Airavata - Suresh Marru

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XSEDE12: Apache Airavata Tutorial - Saminda Wijeratne


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XSEDE12: Airavata API Demo - Heshan Suriyaarachchi

This demo presentation introduces the Airavata user to the Airavata API. Airavata API supports almost all the operations in XBaya GUI. In a nutshell, Airavata API can be used to execute/run scientific workflows without the need for XBaya GUI.


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Source of demo : https://ogce.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ogce/gateway-staging/simplegrid-airavata-sample/client-api-demo
Airavata Client API source:https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/airavata/trunk/modules/airavata-client

XSEDE12: Getting Started with Apache Airavata - Lahiru Gunathilake

This talk focuses on how the Airavata users can contribute to Apache Airavata project.


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