The following example shows how to remove components from multiple hosts.
Stop components on hosts.
curl -k -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-By:ambari" -X PUT --data '{ "RequestInfo":{ "context":"Stop components on hosts" }, "Body":{ "HostRoles":{ "state":"INSTALLED" } } }' "$HTTP_PROTOCOL://$CONSOLE_NODE:$PORT/api/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER/host_components?HostRoles/,HBASE_REGIONSERVER)&HostRoles/,"
Ambari returns a request status URL to be polled for execution results. You can also review the result from Ambari web UI.{ "href" : "", "Requests" : { "id" : 40, "status" : "Accepted" } }
Delete components on hosts once the components are stopped. You will receive an error message from Ambari server if you attempt to delete components that are still running.
curl -k -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -X DELETE "$HTTP_PROTOCOL://$CONSOLE_NODE:$PORT/api/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER/host_components?HostRoles/,HBASE_REGIONSERVER)&HostRoles/,"
Result of a successful delete
{ "deleteResult" : [ { "deleted" : { "key" : "" } }, { "deleted" : { "key" : "" } }, { "deleted" : { "key" : "" } }, { "deleted" : { "key" : "" } } ] }
Error when trying to delete running components
{ "deleteResult" : [ { "error" : { "key" : "", "code" : 500, "message" : "org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException: Host Component cannot be removed, clusterName=MyCluster, serviceName=HDFS, componentName=DATANODE,, request={ clusterName=MyCluster, serviceName=HDFS, componentName=DATANODE,, publicHostname=null, desiredState=null, state=null, desiredStackId=null, staleConfig=null, adminState=null, maintenanceState=null}" } }, { "error" : { "key" : "", "code" : 500, "message" : "org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException: Host Component cannot be removed, clusterName=MyCluster, serviceName=HDFS, componentName=DATANODE,, request={ clusterName=MyCluster, serviceName=HDFS, componentName=DATANODE,, publicHostname=null, desiredState=null, state=null, desiredStackId=null, staleConfig=null, adminState=null, maintenanceState=null}" } }, { "error" : { "key" : "", "code" : 500, "message" : "org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException: Host Component cannot be removed, clusterName=MyCluster, serviceName=HBASE, componentName=HBASE_REGIONSERVER,, request={ clusterName=MyCluster, serviceName=HBASE, componentName=HBASE_REGIONSERVER,, publicHostname=null, desiredState=null, state=null, desiredStackId=null, staleConfig=null, adminState=null, maintenanceState=null}" } }, { "error" : { "key" : "", "code" : 500, "message" : "org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException: Host Component cannot be removed, clusterName=MyCluster, serviceName=HBASE, componentName=HBASE_REGIONSERVER,, request={ clusterName=MyCluster, serviceName=HBASE, componentName=HBASE_REGIONSERVER,, publicHostname=null, desiredState=null, state=null, desiredStackId=null, staleConfig=null, adminState=null, maintenanceState=null}" } } ] }