Useful Links
- Setting up release signing keys
- Uploading artifacts to staging and release repositories
- Release requirements
- Process for staging
Preparing for release
Setup for first time release managers
If you are being a release manager for the first time, you will need to run the following additional steps so that you are not blocked during the actual release process.
Configure SSH/SFTP to
SFTP to supports only Key-Based SSH Logins
# Generate RSA Keys mkdir ~/.ssh chmod 700 ~/.ssh ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 # Note: This will create ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/ files will be generated # Upload Public RSA Key Login at Add Public SSH Key to your profile from ~/.ssh/ SSH Key (authorized_keys line): Submit changes # Verify SSH to works ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa {username} # SFTP to sftp {username} mkdir public_html cd public_html put test #This test file is a sample empty file present in current working directory from which you sftp. Verify URL{username}/test
Generate OpenGPG Key
You should get a signing key, keep it in a safe place, upload the public key to apache, and build a web of trust.
gpg2 --gen-key gpg2 --keyserver --send-key {key} gpg2 --armor --export {username} > {username}.asc Copy over {username}.asc to {username}{username}.asc Verify URL{username}/{username}.asc Query PGP KeyServer{key}&op=vindex Web of Trust: Request others to sign your PGP key. Login at Add OpenPGP Fingerprint to your profile OpenPGP Public Key Primary Fingerprint: XXXX YYYY ZZZZ .... Submit changes Verify that the public PGP key is exported to{username}.asc
Email mailing list notifying that you will be creating the release branch at least one week in advance
Subject: Preparing Ambari X.Y.Z branch Hi developers and PMCs, I am proposing cutting a new branch branch-X.Y for Ambari X.Y.Z on __________ as per the outlined tasks in the Ambari Feature + Roadmap page ( After making the branch, we (i.e., development community) should only accept blocker or critical bug fixes into the branch and harden it until it meets a high enough quality bar. If you have a bug fix, it should first be committed to trunk, and after ensuring that it does not break any tests (including smoke tests), then it should be integrated to the Ambari branch-X.Y If you have any doubts whether a fix should be committed into branch-X.Y, please email me for input at ____________ Stay tuned for updates on the release process. Thanks
Create the release branch
Create a branch for a release using branch-X.Y (ex: branch-2.1) as the name of the branch.
Note: Going forward, we should be creating branch-{majorVersion}.{minorVersion), so that the same branch can be used for maintenance releases.
Checkout the release branch
git checkout branch-X.Y
Update Ambari REST API docs
Starting with Ambari's trunk
branch as of Ambari 2.8, the release manager should generate documentation from existing source code. The documentation should be checked back into the branch before performing the release.
# Generate the following artifacts: # - Configuration markdown at docs/configuration/ # - swagger.json and index.html at docs/api/generated/ cd ambari-server/ mvn clean compile exec:java@configuration-markdown test -Drat.skip -Dcheckstyle.skip -DskipTests -Dgenerate.swagger.resources # Review and Commit the changes to branch-X.Y git commit
Update release version
Once the branch has been created, the release version must be set and committed. The changes should be committed to the release branch.
Ambari 2.8+
Starting with Ambari 2.8, the build process relies on Maven 3.5+ which allows the use of the ${revision}
tag. This means that the release version can be defined once in the root pom.xml
and then inherited by all submodules. In order to build Ambari with a specific build number, there are two methods:
mvn -Drevision= ...
- Editing the root
to include the new build number<revision></revision>
To be consistent with prior releases, the pom.xml
should be updated in order to contain the new version.
# Update the revision property to the release version mvn versions:set-property -Dproperty=revision -DnewVersion= # Remove .versionsBackup files git clean -f -x # Review and commit the changes to branch-X.Y git commit
Ambari 2.7 and Earlier Releases (Deprecated)
Older Ambari branches still required that you update every pom.xml
manually through the below process:
Update KEYS
If this is the first time you have taken release management responsibilities, make sure to update the KEYS file and commit the updated KEYS in both the ambari trunk branch and the release branch. Also in addition to updating the KEYS file in the tree, you also need to push the KEYS file to
gpg2 --list-keys >> KEYS gpg2 --armor --export >> KEYS # commit the changes to both trunk and new release branch git commit # push the updated KEYS file to # Only PMCs members can do this 'svn' step. svn co ambari_svn cp {path_to_keys_file}/KEYS ambari_svn/KEYS svn update KEYS svn commit -m "Updating KEYS for Ambari" # push the updated KEYS file to svn co ambari_dev_svn cp {path_to_keys_file}/KEYS ambari_dev_svn/KEYS cd ambari_dev_svn svn add KEYS svn commit -m "Updating KEYS for Ambari dev directory"
Setup Build
Setup Jenkins Job for the new branch on
Creating Release Candidate
Note: The first release candidate is rc0. The following documented process assumes rc0, but replace it with the appropriate rc number as required.
Checkout the release branch
git checkout branch-X.Y
Create a Release Tag from the release branch
git tag -a release-X.Y.Z-rc0 -m 'Ambari X.Y.Z RC0' git push origin release-X.Y.Z-rc0
Create a tarball
# create a clean copy of the source cd ambari-git-X.Y.Z git clean -f -x -d cd .. cp -R ambari-git-X.Y.Z apache-ambari-X.Y.Z-src # create ambari-web/public by running the build instructions per # once ambari-web/public is created, copy it as ambari-web/public-static cp -R ambari-git-X.Y.Z/ambari-web/public apache-ambari-X.Y.Z-src/ambari-web/public-static # make sure apache rat tool runs successfully cp -R apache-ambari-X.Y.Z-src apache-ambari-X.Y.Z-ratcheck cd apache-ambari-X.Y.Z-ratcheck mvn clean apache-rat:check cd .. # if rat check fails, file JIRAs and fix them before proceeding. # tar it up, but exclude git artifacts tar --exclude=.git --exclude=.gitignore --exclude=.gitattributes -zcvf apache-ambari-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz apache-ambari-X.Y.Z-src
Sign the tarball
gpg2 --armor --output apache-ambari-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig apache-ambari-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz
Generate SHA512 checksums:
sha512sum apache-ambari-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz > apache-ambari-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz.sha512
openssl sha512 apache-ambari-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz > apache-ambari-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz.sha512
Upload the artifacts to your apache home:
The artifacts then need to be copied to svn dev
# Check out the development version of the Ambari repository from Apache SVN svn co ambari_dev_svn # Create a new directory for the specific release candidate version mkdir ambari_dev_svn/ambari-X.Y.Z-rc0 # Copy the source tarball into the newly created release candidate directory cp apache-ambari-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz ambari_dev_svn/ambari-X.Y.Z-rc0/ # Copy the corresponding GPG signature file into the release candidate directory cp apache-ambari-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz.asc ambari_dev_svn/ambari-X.Y.Z-rc0/ # Copy the SHA-512 checksum file into the release candidate directory cp apache-ambari-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz.sha512 ambari_dev_svn/ambari-X.Y.Z-rc0/ # Add all new files to SVN version control svn add * # Commit the changes to the SVN repository with a message indicating the release version svn --username=${Apache username} commit -m "release X.Y.Z-rc0"
Voting on Release Candidate
Call for a vote on the mailing list with something like this:
I have created an ambari-** release candidate.
GIT source tag (r***);a=log;h=refs/tags/release-x.y.z-rc0
Staging site:
PGP release keys (signed using 8EE2F25C)
One can look into the issues fixed in this release at**
Vote will be open for 72 hours.
[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why)
Once the vote passes/fails, send out an email with subject like "[RESULT] [VOTE] Apache Ambari x.y.z rc0" to For the vote to pass, 3 +1 votes are required. If the vote does not pass another release candidate will need to be created after addressing the feedback from the community.
Publishing and Announcement
After the vote passes:
Verify your PGP key is provided to Apache. Apache verifies that distributions are correctly signed.
- Login to and verify the fingerprint of PGP key used to sign above is provided. (gpg --fingerprint)
- Upload your PGP public key only to /home/<user>/.pgpkey
Publish the release as below:
svn co ambari # Note : Only PMCs members can do this 'svn' step. cd ambari svn mv svn add ambari-X.Y.Z svn rm ambari-A.B.C # Remove the older release from the mirror. Only the latest version should appear in dist. svn commit -m "Committing Release X.Y.Z"
Create the release tag:
git tag -a release-X.Y.Z -m 'Ambari X.Y.Z' git push origin release-X.Y.Z
Note that it takes 24 hours for the changes to propagate to the mirrors.
Wait 24 hours and verify that the bits are available in the mirrors before sending an announcement.
Update Ambari Website and Wiki is checked in Git in /ambari/docs/src/site folder.
cd docs mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y.Z # Make necessary changes, typically to pom.xml, site.xml, index.apt, and whats-new.apt mvn clean site
Examine the changes under /ambari/docs/target folder.
Once content has been verified, copy contents of /ambari/docs/target into SVN repository location and commit.
This should update the website.
Update the wiki to add pages for installation of the new version. Usually you can copy the pages for the last release and make the URL changes to point to new repo/tarball location.
Send out Announcement to and
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Ambari X.Y.Z.
The Apache Ambari team is proud to announce Apache Ambari version X.Y.Z
Apache Ambari is a tool for provisioning, managing, and monitoring Apache Hadoop clusters. Ambari consists of a set of RESTful APIs and a browser-based management console UI.
The release bits are at:
To use the released bits please use the following documentation:
We would like to thank all the contributors that made the release possible.
The Ambari Team
Submit release data to Apache reporter database.
This step can be done only by a project PMC. If release manager is not an Ambari PMC then please reach out to an existing Ambari PMC or contact Ambari PMC chair to complete this step.
- Login to with apache credentials.
- Fill out the fields:
- Committe: ambari
Full version name: 2.2.0
Date of release (YYYY-MM-DD): 2015-12-19
Submit the data
Verify that the submitted data is reflected at
Performing this step keeps site updated and people using the Apache Reporter Service will be able to see the latest release data for Ambari.
Publish Ambari artifacts to Maven central
Please use the following document to publish Ambari artifacts to Maven central.