metainfo.xml is a declarative definition of an Ambari managed service describing its content. It is the most critical file for any service definition. This section describes various key sub-sections within a metainfo.xml file.
Non-mandatory fields are described in italics.
The top level fields to describe a service are as follows:
Field | What is it used for | Sample Values |
name | the name of the service. A name has to be unique among all the services that are included in the stack definition containing the service. | HDFS |
displayName | the display name of the service | HDFS |
version | the version of the service. name and version together uniquely identify a service. Usually, the version is the version of the service binary itself. | |
components | the list of component that the service is comprised of | <check out HDFS metainfo> |
osSpecifics | OS specific package information for the service | <check out HDFS metainfo> |
commandScript | service level commands may also be defined. The command is executed on a component instance that is a client | <check out HDFS metainfo> |
comment | a short description describing the service | Apache Hadoop Distributed File System |
requiredServices | what other services that should be present on the cluster | <check out HDFS metainfo> |
configuration-dependencies | configuration files that are expected by the service (config files owned by other services are specified in this list) | <check out HDFS metainfo> |
restartRequiredAfterRackChange | Restart Required After Rack Change | true / false |
configuration-dir | Use this to specify a different config directory if not 'configuration' | - |
service/components - A service contains several components. The fields associated with a component are:
Field | What is it used for | Sample Values |
name | name of the component | HDFS |
displayName | display name of the component. | HDFS |
category | type of the component - MASTER, SLAVE, and CLIENT | |
commandScript | application wide commands may also be defined. The command is executed on a component instance that is a client | <check out HDFS metainfo> |
cardinality | allowed/expected number of instances | For example, 1-2 for MASTER, 1+ for Slave |
reassignAllowed | whether the component can be reassigned / moved to a different host. | true / false |
versionAdvertised | does the component advertise its version - used during rolling/express upgrade | Apache Hadoop Distributed File System |
timelineAppid | This will be the component name under which the metrics from this component will be collected. | <check out HDFS metainfo> |
dependencies | the list of components that this component depends on | <check out HDFS metainfo> |
customCommands | a set of custom commands associated with the component in addition to standard commands. | RESTART_LLAP (Check out HIVE metainfo) |
service/osSpecifics - OS specific package names (rpm or deb packages)
Field | What is it used for | Sample Values |
osFamily | the os family for which the package is applicable | any => all amazon2015,redhat6,debian7,ubuntu12,ubuntu14,ubuntu16 |
packages | list of packages that are needed to deploy the service | <check out HDFS metainfo> |
package/name | name of the package (will be used by the yum/zypper/apt commands) | Eg hadoop-lzo. |
service/commandScript - the script that implements service check
Field | What is it used for | Sample Values |
script | the relative path to the script | <commandScript> |
scriptType | the type of the script, currently only supported type is PYTHON | |
timeout | custom timeout for the command - this supersedes ambari default |
Field | What is it used for | Sample Values |
name | name of the component it depends on | <dependency> |
scope | cluster / host. specifies whether the dependent component should be present in the same cluster or the same host. | |
auto-deploy | custom timeout for the command - this supersedes ambari default | |
conditions | Conditions in which this dependency exists. For example, the presence of a property in a config. |
service/component/commandScript - the script that implements components specific default commands (Similar to service/commandScript )
service/component/logs - provides log search integration.
logId | logid of the component | <log> |
primary | primary log id or not. |
service/component/customCommand - custom commands can be added to components.
- name: name of the custom command
- commandScript: the details of the script that implements the custom command
- commandScript/script: the relative path to the script
- commandScript/scriptType: the type of the script, currently only supported type is PYTHON
- commandScript/timeout: custom timeout for the command - this supersedes ambari default
service/component/configFiles - list of config files to be available when client config is to be downloaded (used to configure service clients that are not managed by Ambari)
- type: the type of file to be generated, xml or env sh, yaml, etc
- fileName: name of the generated file
- dictionary: data dictionary that contains the config properties (relevant to how ambari manages config bags internally)
Sample metainfo.xml
<metainfo> |