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This is the wiki for the Apache Avalon project. This wiki is a community wiki and the entire Avalon community is invited to help maintain it. Feel free to change any part of this wiki if you think it improves things. In particular, we'd very much appreciate it if you help document the answers to questions asked on the mailing list on the FrequentlyAskedQuestions page. Notifications of all changes you make will be sent to the avalon site-cvs mailing list, so we'll be aware of your changes and we'll happily correct any small mistakes you may make! |
Table of Contents:
- What Is Avalon?
- Documentation in progress - One of the best uses of the Wiki is for you to help us, and your fellow Avalon users, by adding to the Avalon Docs.
- Software in progress
- Administrivia
- Miscellaneous Musings - ideas relating to Avalon development. Often incomplete, probably not of immediate value, and always unofficial.
- Discussions tabled for now