Summary of Avalon container supplied context values:
Avalon Meta including alias mappings
Standard Key |
Type |
Description |
Phoenix alias |
Fortress alias |
urn:avalon:partition |
String |
partition name | | |
urn:avalon:name |
String |
component/scenerio name | |
component.logger |
urn:avalon:home |
File (directory) |
persistent directory |
app.home |
context-root |
urn:avalon:temp |
File (directory) |
temporary directory |
impl.workDir |
urn:avalon:classloader |
component classloader |
Starting from the first context and working up through all the parents:
These are passed to the components. Please note that "context-root" was at one time "app.home" until it got changed--I cannot remember the circumstances of that change. * impl.workDir File (directory) temporary directory * context-root File (directory) Context directory * component.logger String Component logger name * String ID used to locate the component * component.configuration String Configuration the configuration (removed from context before passing it to components) * String The short name of the component (removed from context before passing it to components) These represent values that are only used during configuration of Fortress, and are not passed to components * org.apache.excalibur.instrument.InstrumentManager * org.apache.excalibur.mpool.PoolManager * org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceManager * org.apache.avalon.fortress.RoleManager * impl.logManager.config.uri * org.apache.avalon.fortress.util.LifecycleExtensionManager * impl.instrumentManager.config * org.apache.avalon.fortress.MetaInfoManager * impl.configuration * impl.roleManager.config * org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.LoggerManager * impl.class * impl.configuration.uri * impl.roleManager.config.uri * impl.logManager.config.uri * impl.instrumentManager.config.uri * impl.logcategory * impl.class
Phoenix String application name String component name app.home File (directory) persistent directory