- Status of 4.5 release
- New BookKeeper Website
- Slack channel
- 4.5 Performance regression?
- Status of Bookkeeper Docker image
- Other issues and PRs
Francesco, Jia, JV, Kishorekasi, Matteo, Sijie
- 4.5.0 Release
- Major/Critical changes from Twitter/Yahoo branches are already in. No blocker anymore. Other changes will be deferred in subsequent releases.
- SSL is ready for merge. Two minor comments (from Sijie and Matteo) to address. Once Kishorekasi addressed the comments, we will merge it.
- Non blockers:
- Http Endpoint not a blocker for 4.5.0. It can go into any releases.
- Website is not a blocker for 4.5.0. Sijie and Luc will try to get it ready for 4.5.0.
- Checkstyle not a blocker for 4.5.0
- Docker image not a blocker for 4.5.0.
- Performance Regression
- Sijie is comparing 4.4 and 4.5
- The investigation will continue. It is a blocker for the official release, but it is not a blocker for starting the release procedure.
- Release timeline:
- Sijie will work with JV to make sure he has all the one-time configurations setup correctly for cutting a release.
- Code freeze for 4.5. New issues (non-critical) should fall into 4.6. Current issues marked with 4.5 are expected to clean up by end of this week.
- Estimate deadline is mid August.
- Docker image
- Matteo: from end-user perspective, both approaches work
- Jia: references from how other projects work on apache dockerhub: INFRA-12781, INFRA-14123 , INFRA-9915, INFRA-12353, INFRA-13745.
- follow what other projects are doing
- using docker autobuild
- dockerfile is to download official bk release image
- remove versions. docker autobuild will look for docker file location and release tags.
- os versions. let's stick to centos-7 and jdk-8.
- configuration
- allow providing a configuration from a mounted volume
- if no configuration file is provided, it will use the template packaged in the binary and take the ENV variables that start with "bk_"
- entry point: we need an entry point to start and stop bookie gracefully
- documentation
- docker-compose file to start a cluster for testing
- optional: k8s and dcos instructions (can be separate pull requests)
- DL -> BK merge
- Sijie: DL already graduated from Incubator, managed by BK PMC now. Still wait INFRA for renaming a few things.
- Sijie: DL will function as a sub-project. No disruptions to BK. Long term discussion around how to unify managedledger and DL into a unified continuous log stream library.
- Slack Channel:
- Matteo: he tried a digest tool to send digestion from slack to dev@ (for pulsar). but there was a security concern, it was disabled.
- Matteo: it is an informal channel for immediate/quick interaction. No decisions are made in slack. It should happen in asf mailing list or jiras. We can copy any decision related discussion back to mailing list.
- Sijie: will start the vote.