Welcome to the Apache BVal project

Apache BVal delivers an implementation of the Bean Validation Specification (JSR303), which is TCK compliant and works on Java SE 5 or later. The initial codebase for the project was donated to the ASF by a SGA from Agimatec GmbH and uses the Apache Software License v2.0. After a successful incubation, Apache BVal became a top-level project of the ASF on February 15, 2012.

Recent News

At the February 15, 2012 meeting of the Apache Software Foundation's board of directors, the resolution recommending the graduation of Apache BVal to a top-level project was passed. The podling-formerly-known-as-Apache-Bean-Validation thanks everyone who helped to make this happen!

The Apache Bean Validation community is proud to announce our 0.3-incubating release, which is our third release as an Apache Incubator project. This release includes a few minor bug fixes and passes the Bean Validation 1.0.3 TCK. Please visit the Downloads, Documentation and Samples pages on our project website to learn how to start using Apache Bean Validation.

The Bean Validation PPMC is pleased to announce that Albert Lee has accepted our invitation to join the Bean Validation project as a committer.

Congrats and welcome Albert!

The Apache Bean Validation community is proud to announce our 0.2-incubating release, which is our second release as an Apache Incubator project. This release includes a few minor bug fixes and passes the Bean Validation 1.0.3 TCK. Please visit the Downloads, Documentation and Samples pages on our project website to lean how to start using Apache Bean Validation.

The Bean Validation PPMC is pleased to announce that Matt Benson has accepted our invitation to join the Bean Validation project as a committer.

Congrats and welcome Matt!

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