FTP Example

Available as of Camel 2.11

This example is located in the examples/camel-example-ftp directory of the Camel distribution.
There is a README.txt file with instructions how to run it.


This example demonstrates how Camel can upload and download files to/from an existing FTP server.


An existing FTP server should be running.


This example is implemented in Java code, and there is a client and a server application.

The client is used for uploading files from the local file system (from target/upload) to the FTP server.
The server is used for downloading files from the FTP server to the local file system (to target/download).

You can see the Java implementation by opening the src/main/java/org/apache/camel/example/ftp/MyFtpClientRouteBuilder.java for the client Java route.
And the server example is implemented in the src/main/java/org/apache/camel/example/ftp/MyFtpClientRouteBuilder.java file.

Running the example

You would need to configure the location and credential for the FTP server. This is done by editing the src/main/resources/ftp.properties file.
Byt default it connects to a non existing domain name, which you therefore must change.

Then you can either run the example as client or server by running from command line with Maven

mvn compile exec:java -Pclient

Or for the server

mvn compile exec:java -Pserver

Instructions is also printed to the console. And you can use ctrl + c to stop the Camel application.

If you encounter any problems you can enable verbose logging by following the instructions in the src/main/resources/log4j.properties file.

See Also

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