The ProducerTemplate interface allows you to send message exchanges to endpoints in a variety of different ways to make it easy to work with Camel Endpoint instances from Java code.
It can be configured with a default endpoint if you just want to send lots of messages to the same endpoint; or you can specify an Endpoint or uri as the first parameter.
The sendBody() method allows you to send any object to an endpoint easily.
ProducerTemplate template = exchange.getContext().createProducerTemplate(); // send to default endpoint template.sendBody("<hello>world!</hello>"); // send to a specific queue template.sendBody("activemq:MyQueue", "<hello>world!</hello>"); // send with a body and header template.sendBodyAndHeader("activemq:MyQueue", "<hello>world!</hello>", "CustomerRating", "Gold");
You can also supply an Exchange or a Processor to customize the exchange
request*() methods
The send*() methods use the default Message Exchange Pattern (InOnly, InOut etc) as the endpoint. If you want to explicitly perform a request/response (InOut) you can use the request*() methods instead of the send*() methods.
e.g. lets invoke an endpoint and get the response
Object response = template.requestBody("<hello/>"); // you can cast the response directly String ret = template.requestBody("<hello/>", String.class); // or specify the endpoint directly String ret = template.requestBody("cxf:bean:HelloWorldService", "<hello/>", String.class);
Fluent interface (camel 2.18.0)
The FluentProducerTemplate provides a fluent syntax to ProducerTemplate,, examples:
Integer result = FluentProducerTemplate.on(context) .withHeader("key-1", "value-1") .withHeader("key-2", "value-2") .withBody("Hello") .to("direct:inout") .request(Integer.class)
Integer result = FluentProducerTemplate.on(context) .withProcessor(exchange -> exchange.getIn().setBody("Hello World")) .to("direct:exception") .request(Integer.class);
Object result = FluentProducerTemplate.on(context) .withTemplateCustomizer( template -> { template.setExecutorService(myExecutor); template.setMaximumCacheSize(10); } ) .withBody("the body") .to("direct:start") .request()