Spring Security Example
The camel-spring-security module provides authentication and authorization capabilities via Spring Security. This example shows you how to use this functionality to implement a role based authorization application.
This example consumes messages from a servlet endpoint which is secured by Spring Security with http basic authentication, there are two services:
"http://localhost:8080/camel/user" is for the authenticated user whose role is ROLE_USER "http://localhost:8080/camel/admin" is for the authenticated user whose role is ROLE_ADMIN
You will need to compile this example first:
cd $CAMEL_HOME/examples/camel-example-spring-security mvn clean install
To run the example, you need to start up the server by typing
mvn jetty:run
To stop the server hit ctrl + c
Then you can use the script in the client directory to send the request and check the response, or use browser to access upper service with the user/password ("jim/jimspassword" with the admin and user role or "rob/robspassword" with user role).
Here is the camel route configuration:
You can find how to configure the camel-servlet with http basic authentication by check the files in WEB-INF