What are the dependencies?
Camel 2.6 or older can run on JDK 1.5 or better.
Camel 2.7 onwards requires JDK 1.6 or JDK 1.7.
Camel 2.14 onwards requires JDK 1.7 or better.
Camel 2.18 onwards requires JDK 1.8.
What are the runtime jar dependencies?
Apache Camel is designed to require a minimum number of dependencies for us so it is ideal for embedding into smart clients, message brokers, SOA frameworks and ESBs.
Camel JAR Dependencies
Camel core itself is lightweight and can run with a few .jars.
dependencies for Camel 2.0 or lower
- API for commons logging- JAXB 2.1.x - XML stuff - Is provided in the JDK core from Java 1.6
- For Attachments support - Is provided in the JDK core from Java 1.6
dependencies for Camel 2.1 - 2.6
- API for commons loggingcommons-management-1.0.jar
- API for JMX- JAXB 2.1.x - XML stuff - Is provided in the JDK core from Java 1.6
- For Attachments support - Is provided in the JDK core from Java 1.6
dependencies for Camel 2.7 - 2.8
- API for slf4j loggingcommons-management-1.0.jar
- API for JMX
dependencies for Camel 2.9
- API for slf4j logging
Optional Dependencies for JMX for Camel 1.x - 2.8
- All 4 jars needed to use JMX with Camel (subject to change in the future).
From Camel 2.9: the Spring JARs are no longer required for using JMX.
Other Components
All the other Components have a range of 3rd party .jars they depend on. They are listed in the maven pom files which files they require.
Other modules require other dependencies; such as camel-jms requires a JMS provider. To see the exact dependencies of the other modules see the Maven reports