This document presents open, unresolved Jira tickets whose fix version is "4.0.x" by Component. It may be useful toward screening issues in/out of the milestone, and for tracking completion as we make progress. As of 11/17/18, it is incomplete pending assignment of a fix version (and/or punting for many open issues).
The JQL backing this report is in the form of:
project = CASSANDRA AND resolution = Unresolved AND component = "COMPONENT_NAME" and fixVersion= "4.0.x" ORDER BY id DESC
Total: Getting issues...
Component: Build, Packaging, and Dependencies
Component: Cluster – Gossip, Membership, and Schema
Component: Compaction
Component: Consistency
Component: CQL
Component: Documentation
Component: Features
Component: Legacy
Component: Local Read/Write Path
Component: Local – Config/Scripts/Instance Lifecycle
Component: Messaging
Component: Observability
Component: Testing
Component: Tools
Component: No Value / Please Screen Me!