A place to share Cassandra operations in Kubernetes knowledge. As this deployment method becomes more commonplace, we want to find ways to share and help each other so we can be successful together. Meetings consist of project updates and general questions and answers. Each meeting you will find a number of people knowledgable in Cassandra and Kubernetes ready to answer any questions.
Meetings are held online via Zoom bi-weekly. Each meeting will be recorded and posted in the Apache Cassandra cwiki.
Basic agenda for each meeting:
- Cassandra Operator Update
- K8ssandra update
- Updates on any related projects
- General Q&A to help build community knowledge
Communication will be in two channels.
- Apache Cassandra Dev mailing list
ASF Slack. #cassandra-kubernetes Please sign up for an account to participate.
You can add the following calendar to get alerts: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/b/1?cid=a2w5cHVoZ2s3cXRkdXFhdHRlOHRmZDVtcHNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ
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Current working doc for editing CEP-2