This is the home of the Apache Isis space.
Isis Conf!!!
ASF Admin
Getting Involved
- ProjectIdeasForStudents (GSOC)
- Bhargav Golla's Javascript app (GSOC2013)
- Dimuthu Upeksha's Android app (GSOC2013)
- UserStoriesForWritingAViewer
Community building
The framework itself
- Make releases easier and more frequent
- WicketViewerRestyling
- UiTechnologies
- DomainServicesIdeas
- MavenModulesMultipleRuntimesProposal
- Viewer-agnostic Network Protocol
- MavenArchetypeDesign
ASF Incubation and Graduation
Documentation etc
Contributor How-Tos
This material is now largely on the main site.
- SettingUpDevelopmentEnvironment
- BuildProcess
- SmokeTest
- RecreatingMavenArchetypeFromProject
- ManualDeployProcessForSnapshots
- ManualDeployProcessForSite
- GeneratingPgpKeys
- ReleaseProcess
This material is now largely on the main site.
Contributor Resources
This material is now largely on the main site.
- isis-dev archive @
- #apache-isis IRC channel via
- Isis' JIRA (register yourself)
- Isis' Wiki (you're reading it right now; register yourself and mail isis-dev to get write perms)
- Isis' ReviewBoard,
group (register yourself and mail isis-dev to be added)