Tejas Gadaria | dev use Autostart vms on Xenserver 6.2 With HA - I have all vms HA enabled on ACS 4.3 on xenserver 6.2 . I also want to enable auto start | Jul 11 |
dobropalka | use shared network with source NAT - Hey guys, please help me with one issue. I'm working with 4.3 CS + 6.1 Xenserver cluster We got 4 | Jul 9 |
Xerex Bueno | use Failed to retrieve required credentials of Nexus VSM from database - I have ACS 4.3 installed pointing at VMware running Nexus 1000v. I can create a zone however when it | Jul 8 |
huangchunmei (3) | dev use 撤回: Hyper-V hypervisor: Donot have permission to access downloading URL of vomue - huangchunmei 将撤回邮件“Hyper-V hypervisor: Donot have permission to access downloading URL of vomue”。 | Jul 8 |
huangchunmei (2) | dev use Hyper-V hypervisor: Donot have permission to access downloading URL of vomue - Hi All, I installed CS 4.3 and setup a Hype-V vm. When downloading volume of the VM, I met below | Jul 8 |
Suresh Ramamurthy | dev Master Branch : Network label for XenServer is not updated to "xenservernetworklabel" i... - Hi, I found that the network label for XenServer is updated to "xenservernetworklabel" in | Jul 8 |