This wiki is used for ALC Shenzhen Chapter.

Shenzhen is a major sub-provincial city and one of the special economic zones of China. Shenzhen is a global center in technology, research, manufacturing, finance, and transportation, and the Port of Shenzhen is the world's fourth busiest container port. For more details, please refer to

Contact Us

If you have any thoughts and query to discuss with ALC Shenzhen, please contact us with following channels.

Email - Send a mail to with [ALC Shenzhen] prefix in subject line.

Slack (for quick chat) - Please create a Slack account using this invite link and join the #alc channel.

Events and Reports

Team meeting information


Photo / AvatarNameContact

Willem Ning Jiang (Mentor)
-- ASF Member
-- Chair, (Servicecomb)
-- PMC (APISIX, Camel, CXF, Incubator, IoTDB, RocketMQ, ServiceMix, ShardingSphere, SkyWalking)

ningjiang at apache dot org

Ted Liu (Mentor)
-- ASF Member
-- PMC (ComDev, Incubator)
-- Committer (ECharts)

tedliu1 at yahoo dot com

Von Gosling (Mentor)
-- ASF Member
-- PMC (APISIX, Dubbo, RocketMQ, Incubator, ShardingSphere)

vongosling at apache dot org

Ming Wen
-- ASF Member
-- Chair, APISIX

Liang Chen
-- ASF Member
-- Chair, CarbonData

Jerry Shao
-- ASF Member
-- PMC (Incubator, Spark)

Sammi Chen
-- Chair, OZone
-- PMC (Hadoop)

Zhenxu Ke
-- PMC (Incubator, SkyWalking)
-- Committer (DolphinScheduler, Dubbo)

-- Mentor (MXNet, SeaTunnel)

kezhenxu94 at apache dot org

Du Heng
-- PMC (RocketMQ)

duhengforever at apache dog org

Zili Chen
-- PMC (Curator)
-- Committer (Incubator, Flink)

Lin Lin
-- PMC (Pulsar)

Eason Chen (Chen Guangsheng) (Chapter Lead)

-- ASF Member

-- PMC Chair(EventMesh)

-- Committer (Incubator, RocketMQ)

chenguangsheng at apache dot org

Xiao Yu
-- Committer (Incubator, ShardingSphere)

Guocheng Zhang

-- PPMC(InLong)
-- Committer (Incubator)

gosonzhang at apache dot org

Weiming Xue
-- Committer (Incubator)

Charles Zhang

-- PPMC(InLong)
-- Committer (Incubator)

dockerzhang at apache dot org

Shuai Di
-- PPMC(Linkis)
-- Committer (Incubator)

shuaidi at apache dot org

Heping Wang

-- PPMC(Linkis)
-- Committer (Incubator)

peacewong at apache dot org

Qiang Yin

-- PMC(Linkis)

-- Committer (Incubator)

enjoyyin at apache dot org

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