The following is an unordered, unprioritized list of high-level tasks that various ComDev people are working on. If you wish to take responsibility for one of these, please speak up on so that we don't have duplication of effort. Thanks.

See also: all open issues

Wider ASF-focused or project-focused Tasks

  • Review project mission statements. Mission statements appear on project websites, on, in board reports, and other places.  In particular, some of these places end up getting aggregated to and other places, which can be useful to bring in new contributors. Talk to projects that have terrible/confusing/meaningless ones. Help projects explain what the project is, what it does, who should care, and why they should care.
  • Get project websites to comply with sitecheck criteria. Communicate better why this matters. The policy/rationale for the checks is here:
  • Research and implement a replacement merch vendor ( COMDEV-550 - Getting issue details... STATUS )
  • Recommend standard "About" page content ( COMDEV-549 - Getting issue details... STATUS ) Website Improvement Tasks

  • Value Proposition: New document – why would a project want to come to the ASF (ie, our value proposition to an existing project - what benefits will they get that justify the costs?). See also: the Incubator: why would someone want to bring their community here?
  • Define simple style/layout guides for new content on the website.  Very simple best practices for any style, document structure, or the like guides are helpful for people creating new content (or taking the time to migrate/update existing content).  In particular: past complaints are often "it's a wall of text", so when should writers include images/etc. in content, and what's the simplest way to do so consistently?  See also: for imagery.
  • Draft ideas for navigation/pathing: the current website serves multiple audiences and topics.  Starting to define how an overall navigation structure will help lead people to where they want to go is useful.
  • Onboarding documents for major audiences (Contributor, Committer, PMC member, ASF Member, Director). Some of these exist, but can be improved. Some do not exist in an organized fashion. All need to be made more consistent in scope and format, and more discoverable in the usual places.  START HERE: Proposal: Improving Onboarding Experiences

  • Explain the why of quarterly project reporting. Who should you report to? (Board vs Stakeholders are separate reports, with different tones and purposes, for example.). See also the official policy/guidance: See also the PMC guide: and See also the report wizard

Some Guiding Principles On Content

ComDev is advisory. We recommend best practice. We offer advice. We provide resources. We do not enforce our opinions, nor do we have any authority to compel projects to do anything. In the rare case that we deem a project is off the rails in some aspect, our only option is to make a recommendation to the board.

As such, this site constitutes advice  and best practice, while policy  should be on the main site, or on the site of the specific VP (eg, Legal, Trademarks) who is responsible for that policy. Any time we find ourselves veering into "you must" rather than "you should", we should identify the top-level policy page that already addresses that topic.


Proposals should be marked with the comdev-proposal  tag.

Longer term projects

To mark a proposition as a project, mark it with the project  tag.

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