Commons Committers Documentation
Informal documentation for commons committers.
- ReleaseShoppingList has lots of little things that good Apache Commons releases should have that maven 1 doesn't do by default
- A CommonsManual.
- MovingComponents (sandbox graduations have additional requirements - also see related links below)
- MovingFromSandboxToProper
- MovingFromSandboxToProperSVN
- CreatingStandardWebPresence
- SigningReleases and Mirroring
- ComponentTemplate - Use this template when creating the main wiki page for a component.
- AutomatedIdeas - some ideas on how increased automation could help us (HenriYandell)
- SubversionConversion - a proposed set of svn instructions for infrastructure.
- CreatingSiteWithMaven2 - a trial to see if it is possible to use Maven 2 to build commons sites.
- UsingCommonsSkin - Instructions on how to use the commons-skin in your Maven 2 generated site.
- MavenPlugins used in commons.
- MavenWebsiteStucture for commons
- Maven2MigrationPlan for commons
- UnifyingMavenReports
- BuildSystems
- CreatingReleases - DRAFT Procedure for creating a release using M2
- CodeStyle - a place to collect Commons wide code style rules
*Q:* Little request: Can we PLEASE have a single javadoc tree for all commons components? I am getting tired of switching between dbcp, loggin, and pool. Especially when I am following one line of calls or inheritance. Thanks, Angus *A:* Sure, it should be relatively easy, why not take some initiative and do it yourself?
Proposed solution: Multidoc