Reference: Continuum 2.0 Roadmap Discussion.
This section captures a gist of ideas floated on the Continuum Developer mailing list for roadmap leading to Continuum 2.0.
From the 2.0 Roadmap discussion on the mailing list, it seems that the Continuum's architecture needs a review and possible rework. Following are the some of the items that community is keen to see:
- make extending Continuum (or writing plugin/modules) a low learning-curve activity.
- Leverage more Java 5 language features.
- Encourage more contributions by using tools/libraries that have a good user base.
- Pluggable architecture; possibly using OSGi to support dynamic management of modules/plugins with an aim to keep Continuum lightweight and distributed.
- Layered architecture such that the underlying infrastructure can be used with different presentation tiers. Consider using REST-based architecture.
- Review and simplify
interfaces into interface(s) which is/are less verbose. - Review and update Continuum Object Model in light of lessons learned from earlier 1.x
- Introduce features - Reporting improvements, Remote access and monitoring.
- Improve User and Developer documentation. Well documented source code.
- More frequent release cycles leading to 2.0
- User interface and performance improvements
- Reporting improvements
- Integrate with Change/Issue management systems to display issues fixed or worked on in a build.