
idl2wsdl -


idltowsdl -I <idl-include-directory>* -o <output-directory> -a <corba-address> -b -f <corba-address-file> 
-n <schema-import-file> -s <idl-sequence-type> -w <target-namespace> -x <schema-namespace> -t <corba-type-map 
target-namespace> -L <logical-wsdl-filename> -P <physical-wsdl-filename> -T <schema-file-name> -qualified 
-e <xml-encoding-type> -mns<Customize the mapping of idl modules> -ow <wsdloutput-file> -ex<Specify the 
modules to exclude> -pf -h -v -verbose -quiet <idl>    






-I <idl-include-directory>*

Specify a directory to be included in the search path for the IDL preprocessor.

-o <output-directory>

The wsdl output directory.

-a <corba-address>

Specify the value to be used for the corba:address location attribute.


Treat bounded strings as unbounded.

-f <corba-address-file>

Use the contents of file as the value for the corba:address locationattribute.

-n <schema-import-file>

Do not generate schema types, but instead import them from file.

-s <idl-sequence-type>

Specify the XML Schema type used for the IDL sequence octet type. Valid option values for type are base64Binary and hexBinary. The default is base64Binary.

-w <target-namespace>

Specify the target namespace to use in the wsdl.

-x <schema-namespace>

Specify the schema namespace to use in the wsdl.

-t <corba-type-map target-namespace>

Specify the corba type map target namespace to use in the wsdl.

-L <logical-wsdl-filename>

Split the generated WSDL into two files. The logical portion of the WSDL is generated into the specified file. The physical portion is generated into the default output file, unless -P is also used.

-P <physical-wsdl-filename>

Split the generated WSDL into two files. The physical portion of the WSDL is generated into specified file. The logical portion is generated into the default output file, unless -L is also used.

-T <schema-file-name>

Generate schema types into the specified file. The file is then imported back into the logical portion of the generated WSDL. This option cannot be used with -n.


Generate qualified wsdl contract

-e <xml-encoding-type>

Use specified encoding as the value of the generated WSDL xml encoding attribute. Defaults to UTF-8.

-mns<Customize the mapping of idl modules>

Map the IDL module to namespace

-ow <wsdloutput-file>

The wsdl output file name

-ex<Specify the modules to exclude>

Exclude the idl modules from generation


Support for polymorphic factories


Display detailed information for options.


Displays the version number of the tool.


Displays comments during the code generation process.


Suppresses comments during the code generation process.





See Also

java2js, java2ws, wsdl2corba, wsdl2java, wsdl2js, wsdl2service, wsdl2soap, wsdl2xml, wsdlvalidator and xsd2wsdl.

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