CXF User's Guide
Welcome to the CXF user's guide. We're glad that you've chosen to use or evaluate CXF for your project!
In addition to the user's guide be sure to check out the many samples in our CXF distribution--these will ensure that you're up and running with CXF very quickly.
With that said, there are bound to be gaps in our documentation and software. We would love to hear your feedback about what needs more work. The easiest way to send feedback is to signup for the mailing list. If you've found a bug, you can file an issue report via JIRA. If you would like to get involved in the community yourself, we would welcome your contributions and involvement.
Thanks and happy coding!
- The CXF Team
- Overview
- Why CXF?
- How do I integrate my application with CXF — A meta guide to integrating your application with CXF - including Bindings, Transports, Interceptors, etc
- How do I develop a service? — A meta guide to your options with CXF
- How do I develop a client? — A meta guide to your options with CXF
- How-Tos
- Frontends
- DataBindings
- Aegis (2.1) — For CXF 2.1 or newer
- Aegis Databinding (2.0.x) — For CXF up to 2.0.x
- MTOM Attachments with JAXB
- XMLBeans
- Transports
- Configuration
- Debugging and Logging
- Tools
- CXF tools in Eclipse
- Java to Javascript
- Java to WS
- Java to WSDL
- Maven cxf-codegen-plugin (WSDL to Java)
- Maven Java2WSDL plugin (CXF 2.0.x only. Removed in 2.1 and replaced with Java2WS)
- Maven Java2WS plugin
- Using CXF with maven
- WSDL to Java
- WSDL to Javascript
- WSDL to Service
- WSDLValidator
- RESTful Services
- WSDL Bindings
- Service Routing
- Dynamic Languages
- WS-* Support
- Securing CXF Services
- Advanced Integration
- Deployment
- Distributed Tracing
- Metrics
- Use of Schemas and Namespaces
- JPMS (Java 9 and beyond)
- GraalVM Support
- JakartaEE TCKs
- Javadoc
Other Sources of Documentation and Information
There are several companies that provide extra documentation, examples, tutorials, etc... that users may find useful. See the Commercial CXF Offerings page for more details.
Also, many users have created excellent blog posts and other articles that may provide extra information. See the Resources and Articles page for a listing.