WS-Addressing via XML Configuration/Java API
CXF provides support for the 2004-08 and 1.0 versions of WS-Addressing.
To enable WS-Addressing you may enable the WSAddressingFeature on your service. If you wish to use XML to configure this, you may use the following syntax:
<jaxws:endpoint id="{your.service.namespace}YourPortName"> <jaxws:features> <wsa:addressing xmlns:wsa=""/> </jaxws:features> </jaxws:endpoint>
You can also use the same exact syntax with a <jaxws:client>
<jaxws:client id="{your.service.namespace}YourPortName"> <jaxws:features> <wsa:addressing xmlns:wsa=""/> </jaxws:features> </jaxws:client>
From an API point of view this looks very similar:
import org.apache.cxf.jaxws.EndpointImpl; import; MyServiceImpl implementor = new MyServiceImpl() EndpointImpl ep = (EndpointImpl) Endpoint.create(implementor); ep.getFeatures().add(new WSAddressingFeature()); ep.publish("http://some/address");
You can also use it with the ClientProxyFactoryBeans and ServerFactoryBeans (and their JAX-WS versions, namely JaxWsProxyFactoryBean and JaxWsServerFactoryBean):
import org.apache.cxf.frontend.simple.ClientProxyFactoryBean; import; ClientProxyFactoryBean factory = new ClientProxyFactoryBean(); factory.setServiceClass(MyService.class); factory.setAddress("http://acme.come/some-service"); factory.getFeatures().add(new WSAddressingFeature()); MyService client = (MyService) factory.create();
Enabling WS-Addressing with WS-Policy
If you're using WS-Policy, CXF can automatically set up WS-Addressing for you if you use the <Addressing> policy expression.
Decoupled responses
By default, WS-Addressing uses anonymous Reply-To addresses. This means the request/response patterns are synchronous in nature and the response is sent back via the normal reply channel. However, WS-Addressing allows for a decoupled endpoint to be used for receiving the response and CXF will then correlate it with the appropriate request. There are a few ways for configuring the address on which CXF will listen for decoupled WS-Addressing responses.
HTTP Conduit configuration
The HTTP Conduit's client configuration has an option for a DecoupledEndpoint address. If the conduit has this configured, all requests sent via that conduit that have WS-Addressing enabled will have their responses sent to that endpoint:
<http:conduit name="{}SoapPort.http-conduit"> <http:client DecoupledEndpoint="http://localhost:9090/decoupled_endpoint"/> </http:conduit>
Request Property
The address can be set via a Request Context property.
((BindingProvider)proxy).getRequestContext() .put("", "http://localhost:9090/decoupled_endpoint");
The CXF object can be used to control many aspects of WS-Addressing including the Reply-To:
AddressingProperties maps = new AddressingPropertiesImpl(); EndpointReferenceType ref = new EndpointReferenceType(); AttributedURIType add = new AttributedURIType(); add.setValue("http://localhost:9090/decoupled_endpoint"); ref.setAddress(add); maps.setReplyTo(ref); maps.setFaultTo(ref); ((BindingProvider)port).getRequestContext() .put("", maps);
This method can also be used to configure the namespace/version of the WS-Addressing headers, exact message ID's, etc...
1 Comment
Oliver ten Hoevel
It was hard for me to figure out how to be able to communicate via WS-Addressing with a counterpart using 2004/08 NS. I got it working with the interceptor code below. I think such a sample would be helpful, feel free to use it. Thanks for CXF!