but the docs is guide by HDP.sandbox, i can't get some help to CDH cluster or apache hadoop cluster.
so i analyze the example shell script,and configuration JMX metrics data put to kafka topics has successed. but when i use eagle UI ,
i create a new application and site is ok , But when i create new policy i got a problem. in create policy step 1,to choose streams, the streams are only have `hdfsAuditLogEventStream`.
i realize maybe the new streams data must have new streams to binding.
but i can't see any botton to create a new streams or any guide from docs.
i see the example shell script,to create streams is use the HTTP API but i find help from doc is can't get help too.
I also have a similar issue. I have integrated eagle 0.5 with HDP 2.5. All applications have been started but i cant see any metrics related to hdfs/jobs/server. One thing i noticed is that no consumer was created in kafka by eagle. Do we have to created a consumer for eagle? If so how??
WARN [2018-03-06 02:03:55,799] org.apache.eagle.alert.coordinator.ExclusiveExecutor: failed to run exclusive executor ! java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: not supported yet! ! at org.apache.eagle.alert.coordinator.TopologyMgmtService.creatTopology(TopologyMgmtService.java:72) ~[eagle-topology-0.5.0-assembly.jar:na] ! at org.apache.eagle.alert.coordinator.impl.strategies.SameTopologySlotStrategy.reserveWorkSlots(SameTopologySlotStrategy.java:102) ~[eagle-topology-0.5.0-assembly.jar:na] ! at org.apache.eagle.alert.coordinator.impl.WorkQueueBuilder.createQueue(WorkQueueBuilder.java:54) ~[eagle-topology-0.5.0-assembly.jar:na]
/** * TODO: call topology mgmt API to create a topology. */ public TopologyMeta creatTopology() { // TODO throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not supported yet!"); }
I am working on Apache Eagle, Proof Of Concept. I downloaded the Eagle Version 0.5.0 on my HDP 2.6 test cluster. I am able to finally build the source code(via mvn clean install -DskipTests) and run the Eagle using ./bin/eagle-server.sh start . However the Eagle GUI does not come up at loalhost:9090 It say "Laoding .." forever. Can any one provide a hint about how to debig further. My Ambari GUI for the cluster at localhost:8080 is running fine with all needes services ( HDFS, STORM, KAFka..).
@Hao Chen. Thank you very much. for the replyI got the same notification at my personal account used to register for this confluence (Personal e-mail TusharInTech@gmail.com). However I am not sure where to locate the mailing list. I subscribed via user-subscribe@eagle.apache.org as well. I can not see reply at https://lists.apache.org/list.html?user@eagle.apache.org:2019-02 , Not sure how to retrieve your reply, The Notification here as well as at my personal e-mail has same content as the following
I essentially do not see in log any error except repeats of “NFO [2019-02-21 15:20:49,462] org.apache.eagle.alert.coordinator.trigger.DynamicPolicyLoader: No policy (totally 0) changed since last round"
how to create streams to monitor hadoop JMX metrics.
i follow docs from http://eagle.apache.org/docs/jmx-metric-monitoring.html to configuration my eagle service.
but the docs is guide by HDP.sandbox, i can't get some help to CDH cluster or apache hadoop cluster.
so i analyze the example shell script,and configuration JMX metrics data put to kafka topics has successed. but when i use eagle UI ,
i create a new application and site is ok , But when i create new policy i got a problem. in create policy step 1,to choose streams, the streams are only have `hdfsAuditLogEventStream`.
i realize maybe the new streams data must have new streams to binding.
but i can't see any botton to create a new streams or any guide from docs.
i see the example shell script,to create streams is use the HTTP API but i find help from doc is can't get help too.
API doc is simple too.
so,the issue all is:
how to create streams to monitor hadoop JMX metrics.
I also have a similar issue. I have integrated eagle 0.5 with HDP 2.5. All applications have been started but i cant see any metrics related to hdfs/jobs/server. One thing i noticed is that no consumer was created in kafka by eagle. Do we have to created a consumer for eagle? If so how??
I encountered the following error:
WARN [2018-03-06 02:03:55,799] org.apache.eagle.alert.coordinator.ExclusiveExecutor: failed to run exclusive executor
! java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: not supported yet!
! at org.apache.eagle.alert.coordinator.TopologyMgmtService.creatTopology(TopologyMgmtService.java:72) ~[eagle-topology-0.5.0-assembly.jar:na]
! at org.apache.eagle.alert.coordinator.impl.strategies.SameTopologySlotStrategy.reserveWorkSlots(SameTopologySlotStrategy.java:102) ~[eagle-topology-0.5.0-assembly.jar:na]
! at org.apache.eagle.alert.coordinator.impl.WorkQueueBuilder.createQueue(WorkQueueBuilder.java:54) ~[eagle-topology-0.5.0-assembly.jar:na]
I checked the source code and find :
I do not know how to solve it。
Who can help me?
Tushar shah
I am working on Apache Eagle, Proof Of Concept. I downloaded the Eagle Version 0.5.0 on my HDP 2.6 test cluster. I am able to finally build the source code(via mvn clean install -DskipTests) and run the Eagle using ./bin/eagle-server.sh start . However the Eagle GUI does not come up at loalhost:9090 It say "Laoding .." forever. Can any one provide a hint about how to debig further. My Ambari GUI for the cluster at localhost:8080 is running fine with all needes services ( HDFS, STORM, KAFka..).
Sent e-mail to : dev@eagle.apache.org on 2/12 : No Reply
Hao Chen
Tushar shah I replied your email in the mailing list, could you pls. have a look for my email?
Tushar shah
@Hao Chen. Thank you very much. for the replyI got the same notification at my personal account used to register for this confluence (Personal e-mail TusharInTech@gmail.com). However I am not sure where to locate the mailing list. I subscribed via user-subscribe@eagle.apache.org as well. I can not see reply at https://lists.apache.org/list.html?user@eagle.apache.org:2019-02 , Not sure how to retrieve your reply, The Notification here as well as at my personal e-mail has same content as the following
""Hao Chen
Tushar shah I replied your email in the mailing list, could you pls. have a look for my email?""
Waiting further to retrieve your reply.
Tushar shah
I am still waiting to figure out how to retrieve your reply from the mailing list,
Tushar shah
I located Hao Chen's reply at https://lists.apache.org/list.html?dev@eagle.apache.org asking for more information. I replied in details at 'dev@eagle.apache.org'.
Apache GUI is not getting loaded. I attachedt he Serve .log.
"Hi Hao Chen.
Backround: This is what I did:
I am following the instructions here.
I downloaded Eagle version 0.5 souce code from here at http://101-02-08-node1.internal.bigtdata.io:8080/#/login
https://github.com/apache/eagle.git to my Ambari Linux server node running A cluster.
I compiled the code successfully using “mvn clean install –DskipTests”
After build the source code, and a tar.gz package is enerated under eagle-server-assembly/target as per https://eagle.apache.org/docs/latest/getting-started/#deployment
I successfully serve the Eagle
./bin/eagle-server.sh start
When I check the eagle server , It says in “loading” mode forever. The full GUI does not het loaded.
I have also attached the server log from in the text file
I essentially do not see in log any error except repeats of “NFO [2019-02-21 15:20:49,462] org.apache.eagle.alert.coordinator.trigger.DynamicPolicyLoader: No policy (totally 0) changed since last round"