


Discussion items

10minUpdated communication methods and schedules
  • To maintain flexibility in our schedules and provide better details on our operations than these minutes, we'd like to do more of our regular check-in work and such communications asynchronously.
    • Non-sensitive things can be done on the dev@diversity mailing list.
    • Sensitive things can be done on Confluence, Slack, the mentor@diversity list, or the private@diversity list.
  • The weekly meetings will be reduced to every other week.
15minfriction log Katia Rojas
  • prepare next actions to collect friction log from mentors and mentees. 
    • Ends 18 Aug 2020
  • send friction log PDF and additional questions on 19 Aug 2020 (next meeting)

Additional questions for mentees:

  1. How did you pick the project?
  2. How did you get in contact with the mentors in the project?
  3. How simple was it to set up any accounts? 
  4. How responsive were the mentors during the contribution period?
  5. How responsive were the mentors during the internship?
  6. How clear was the project proposal and requirements?
  7. Any feedback or advice on how to improve the experience for new applicants?
  8. How likely you are to continue contributing to the project/ASF?

Additional questions for mentors:  

  1. How did you decide on the projects? which needs did you take into account? 
  2. How was the experience of writing the project proposal? Did you need guidance? 
  3. How were the contributions? 
  4. How much effort did it take to review the contributions? 
  5. How did you select Raza? did you come up with selection criteria? Could you share it so others can apply it? Was it hard? 
  6. How was the quality of applications?
  7. were applicants very demanding? Did they constantly ask for guidance? 
  8. Any feedback or advice on what we can tell interns applying?
  9. Did you communicate with the mentee frequently enough?
  10. What did you think worked and what didn't you think worked? 
  11. would you like to take an interview that we are going to provide related to the D&I survey?

Action items