Adopted by the Project on May 14, 2024 with three Binding votes of the PMC (jdailey, Alexander, Victor)

SIPs follows this pattern: 

  • VOTE (with three +1 votes sufficient for passage, but strong community support is important) 
  • TRACK (report back to community on progress) 
  • CLOSE (once done or if abandoned) 

NOTICE to Community -  

In other Apache Top Level Projects there is the notion of a SIP (Significant Improvement Proposal).  The SIP is intended to signal that "hey, pay attention, this is important".  It does not apply to small code changes, or to features, but rather to architecture or testing frameworks, or significant efforts to be undertaken.    

A Fineract-SIP should have the following things:   

Title: Specific Idea

     the TL;DR 


Under Discussion, Proposed, VOTE, Accepted/Rejected, Under Development, Stalled, Completed 
       NOTE:  This is per our normal process of Discussion, Proposal, Vote and then takes it to the next step of tracking the SIP over time.  

Who is Involved   

Owner and coollaborators 


NOTE:  Why are we considering this?  

Goals and Exclusions

  • NOTE:  List high level goals and also things this will NOT address.  

Change Proposed

  • examples.... and be specific 
        Architectural changes 
        Significant re-factoring 
        Test Framework 
        API versionioning

Alternatives Considered

Note: Why this specific approach to the challenge. 

Phases of work

Note:  Specific timelines or "gates".   We do this, learn that, then proceed.  

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