The Manage Offices page allows you to create, edit and add offices within your organisation. Also, it allows you to Manage Tellers in your various offices.
Manage Offices
Please note: It is best to set up your Head Office first, set up any regional offices then finally set up the individual branch offices taking care to link them to the correct Head Office
Select Offices from the quick access menu to create a new office or modify current offices.
The first step is to create the main office of your organization. In this example we use the name “Head Office”. You could modify it to the name that best describes your office name. Click on the pencil icon at the top right side of the page to edit office.
Edit Office
In Identifier field, do not enter a anything
In Name field, enter your main office name
In Description field, enter a description of your office. This is an optional field
Click CONTINUE to move to next section (Office Address)
Enter office Address. This section is optional provided for for your unique customization. It is not required for the effective functioning of the platform.
Review the information entered and if it is all correct, click on UPDATE OFFICE button. The Head office is now created
Creating Branch Offices
If your organization has multiple offices, return to manage offices screen and click the blue +Create Branch office icon at the right bottom side of the page. You will enter the name that best describes your additional office name.
In Identifier field, enter any numeric or alphabetical identifier your organization may use to further identify your offices.
In the Name field, enter your Branch office name
In Description field, enter a description that best suits your branch office.
Enter Office Address
This section is optional provided for your unique customization. It is not required for the effective functioning of the platform.
In Street Field, enter Name of street where office is located
In City field, enter city where office is located
In Postal Code field, enter postal code of your office
In Country field, enter country where office is found
In Region field, Enter Region where office is located
Review the information entered and if it is correct, click on CREATE OFFICE.
The Branch office is now created.
After offices have been Created, the full list will appear on the Manage office screen.
In case you want to create another office under the branch office, return to the manage office screen and select the office from the list.
In this example we use “Cameroon branch”. click on the Blue SHOW button Next to the Office Name to open.
While on the Branch Office page in this example we use “ Cameroon Branch”, Click on the Blue +Create Branch Office Icon at the right-bottom side of the page to set up an office under this branch office.
It is best to set up your Head Office first, set up any regional offices then finally set up the individual branch offices taking care to link them to the correct Head Office.
Manage Tellers
Return to the manage offices screen and click on Tellers.
Creating Tellers
On the Manage Teller screen, click on the blue +Create Teller icon at the right bottom side of the page. Complete the fields on the screen.
In Name Field, enter teller name
In Password field, enter teller password
In Cash Withdrawal limit field, Enter maximum amount which the teller can withdraw.
In Teller account field, enter teller account number. The account should be an asset account
In Vault account Field, enter vault account number. The account should be an asset account
In Cheques Receivable acount field, enter account number. The account should be an asset account.
In Cash over short account field, enter account number. The account should be an Expense account.
After teller has been created, the full list of all created tellers will appear on the manage teller screen.
To manage a particular teller click on SHOW button.
To activate teller, click on OPEN TELLER at the top right side of the screen.
Complete the fields on the open teller screen
Select None if you don’t want to assign cash to the teller at the moment
Select Cash In if you want to assign cash to the teller. In Amount field, enter amount of money you want to disburse to teller.
In Assigned Employee field, enter name of employee you want to assign the teller to
Repeat the same process if you want to close the teller. Once the teller has been closed, it is no longer accessible to that employee and can then be assigned to another employee or reassigned.
Click on Teller Balance on the Teller Screen to view current teller balance.
Click on Denominations on the Teller Screen to Manage Denominations
To Edit the teller, click on pencil icon at the right bottom side of the page
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