
There is SDK-wide support for FlexUnit tests, and each project maintains its own set of tests. It currently works like this:

  1. The main build script (build.xml) has a target called 'test'. This target is not part of the 'main' run. It simply calls:
  2. The 'test' target in frameworks/build.xml, which cleans the previous test reports and calls any test targets that may exist (e.g. 'apache-test'), which in turn call:
  3. The 'test' target of that project's build script, which sets up the project-specific properties (such as project root folder) and calls back to:
  4. 'flexunit-tests.xml' in the SDK root.
    This file is where the magic happens. Based on the input from the project build script (step 3 above), it runs any FlexUnit tests that have been set up for that project and reports back their successes or failures.


How to add the first unit tests to a project without tests

Any project for which we want to add FlexUnit tests can easily hook into this system. First, write your tests. Then:


1. Add the tests to the SDK project


If it does not yet exist, create a 'tests/[somePackage]' directory in the root directory of the project (meaning it will be on the same level with the 'src' directory), e.g.:



Create test classes in this directory or in a subdirectory thereof; make sure to use file names that match '*', e.g.:

'' or ''

2. Add test run to SDK build scripts

If they do not yet exist, add the following tasks and calls to the following ant files, replacing '[project]' with the name of the project, e.g. 'apache' or 'spark':


In the target 'test', add the call:

<antcall target="[project]-test"/>


Add a target (near the bottom of the file):

<target name="[project]-test" description="Tests for '[project]' project">
    <ant dir="${basedir}/projects/[project]" target="test"/>


Add a target: 

<target name="test" description="Runs the FlexUnit tests for this project">
    <ant antfile="${FLEX_HOME}/flexunit-tests.xml">
        <property name="project.root" value="${basedir}"/>
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