A full installation of the Flex SDK contains not only the Flex SDK, but also an embedded AIR SDK as well as the Flashplayer SDK (Which is actuallly just a version of the Flashplayer together with it's matching version of the playerglobal ActionScript library)
In order to mavenitze a Flex SDK therefore actually 3 mavenizations have to be performed:
- Mavenizaingtion of the AIR SDK
- Mavenization of the Flash artifacts
- Mavenization of the Flex SDK
The Air SDK however can be Mavenized as part of the Flex SDK or as a standalone SDK. It makes thingsa little easier that an AIR SDK buindled in a Flex SDk ist simply copied into that Flex SDK so it has the same directory structure.
Especially when it comes to the ActionScript libraries bundled in the Flex SDK, these are all mixed up in the frameworks/libs directory, so we have to define which libs have to be deployed to which SDK.
Each SDK generally consists of 3 parts (Except the Flashplayer, which doesn't have a compiler):
- Compiler
- ActionScript libraries (Framework)
- Runtime
The Mavenizer tool is able to mavenize an entire set of SDKs. As the Flex SDK depends on the AIR SDK and the Flashplayer, it processes all AIR SDKs first, after which the Flashplayer artifacts are generated. After this is done the acutal Flex SDK can be generated.
When referencing libraries, the Mavenizer generally generates a Hash of each library and then checks if an artifact with that Hash value is availalbe. If it is, that particular library is not used, and the existing one is referenced. From one FDK to another the referenced libraries don't change too much, so redeploying them every time a new FDK is published is not desirable. If a library has been used in a prior SDK, the artifact isn't re-deployed either and instead the version of the previous deployment is used.
In order to allow mavenization of pure AIR SDKs as well as Flex SDKs, the Mavenizer expects the following directories
- flex
- air
Redesigning the Mavenizer
Currently there are in general 2 Mavenizer parts:
- Air Mavenizer
- Flex Mavenizer
However it would be better to have 3 parts:
- Air Mavenizer
- Flash Mavenizer
- Flex Mavenizer
And have the Air and the Flash Mavenizer work on both Air and Flex directories.
This would make separations of each of these parts a lot easier and would make it easier to embed parts of the Mavenizer in other tools, such as Flexmojos or the upcomming Flex-Maven-Plugin for handling automatic download of Flash and Air resources.
Also it would be good to clean up the pom artifact generation as when going through the code, I could see different ways I used to create the poms, so overworking this would certainly clean up code.
General Mavenization of Artifacts
When mavenizing an Artifact in general only the source file is copied to it's Maven location and is given a valid Maven name. After copying the file a pom.xml is generated that references no other libraries. Depending on the type of file, a different packaging is used to generate the pom.xml file. In general this matches the file-ending ("jar", "swc").
In addition to these terminal Maven dependencies (because they don't reference any other artifacts), the Mavenizer can output pom.xml files that have dependencies. This is usually done to create "pom" type artifacts that bundle a set of dependencies together. When doing real Maven, this approach is not quite desirable, but we simply don't have any information on which library depends on which other. Therefore this approach is the simplest option.
Mavenizing AIR
When mavenizing, the Mavenizer goes through all AIR SDKs located in the "air" directory and then in a second pass, searches the "flex" directory for bundled AIR version it might not have found yet. After this the list of AIR versions is sorted to facilitize the recycling of libraries of previous versions. All SDKs are processed from the smallest version to the highest version.
Mavenizing the AIR "compiler" artifacts
All AIR SDKs seem to only exist of one library "adt.jar". It is only the 2.6 version that seems to use two additional libraries "baksmali.jar" and "smali.jar". It seems however that starting from AIR 4.0 the number of libaries has greatly increased.
The "lib" directory is scanned for any existing "adt.jar", "baksmali.jar" and "smali.jar" files and for each of the existing a terminal artifact is created. After this a "com.apache.air:compiler:{sdk-version}:pom" pom artifact is generated which depends on any of the preciously referenced libraries.
Mavenizing the AIR "framework" artifacts
No matter if it's a standalone AIR SDK or an AIR SDK bundled inside a Flex SDK, all framework files are located inside the "frameworks/libs/air" directory. For each of the "swc" files in this directory a terminal Maven artifact is generated. If for a given "swc" file a matching "swf" and/or "swz" file exists, These are also copied to the target directory while keeping their initial file ending. (It seems that currently this copying of swf and swz files is not happening as I could only find code for this in the FlexFrameworkGenerator and not the AirFrameworkGenerator)
<dependency> <groupId>com.adobe.air</groupId> <artifactId>framework</artifactId> <version>{version}</version> <type>pom</type> </dependency>
Mavenig the AIR "runtime" artifacs
In order to sensibly generate runtime artifacts, I think we first have to find out how these artifacts would need to be used at all. Simply zipping them up doesn't seem to be a good idea.
<dependency> <groupId>com.adobe.air</groupId> <artifactId>runtime</artifactId> <version>{version}</version> <type>exe</type> </dependency>
Mavenizing Flash
In contrast to the Air runtime, the Flash part is a lot simpler, it generally consists of two files only. One runtime libary and the player/debugplayer itself.
The ActionScript library is located in directories called "frameworks/libs/player/{version}", where the library itself is allways called "playerglobal.swc".
<dependency> <groupId>com.adobe.flash</groupId> <artifactId>framework</artifactId> <version>{version}</version> <type>pom</type> </dependency>
The Flashplayer / Flashdebugger is located in directoried called "runtmes/player/{version}/{os-code}". Depending on the os there are different target files.
Depending on the Flex version it seems some times the players were shipped and sometimes the debugger versions:
Directory | OS Type | Player Name | Debugger Name |
lnx | Linux | flashplayer.tar.gz | flashplayerdebugger.tar.gz |
mac | Mac | Flash Player.app.zip | Flash Player Debugger.app.zip |
win | Windows | FlashPlayer.exe | FlashPlayerDebugger.exe |
In contrast to the Mac zip files, the linux archives are a little tricky, as Java can't natively process them. For this we need to re-package them.
For this they are first unzipped and the resulting file is untared. The unpacked flash runtimes should now be a statically linked version consisting of only one file (flashplayer or flashplayerdebugger). When mavenizing these files are copied to the maven local repository instead of the archives.
Mavenizing the other artifacts simply consists of copying these files to the groupId "com.adobe.flash.runtime":
<dependency> <groupId>com.adobe.flash</groupId> <artifactId>runtime</artifactId> <version>{version}</version> <type>exe</type> </dependency>
Eventually it would be good to have a classifier of "debugger" appied to the debug runtimes artifacts.
Mavenizing Flex