Apache Flex is an application framework for easily building Flash-based applications for mobile devices, the browser and desktop.


No new releases in the last quarter.

Older Releases:

-Apache Flex SDK Installer 3.3 was released on 2017-11-16
-Apache Flex SDK 4.16.1 was released on 2017-11-22

-Apache Flex BlazeDS 4.7.3 was released on 3/31/17.
-Apache Flex Tour De Flex Component Explorer 1.2 was released on 11/28/14.
-Apache Flex Tool API 1.0.0 was released on 11/20/14
-Apache Flex Squiggly 1.1 was released on 10/26/14


There are still questions being asked on users@ and bugs being filed in JIRA. Activity on dev@ continues at it's reduced level since the Royal (https://royale.apache.org/) project split at the end of 2017.

There are issues downloading a dependency from SourceForge.  It is an MPL binary from Adobe.

A migration to SHA1 checksums (per the updated Apache policy) is being discussed.


Flex is using the Wiki to draft Board reports successfully.


Nothing noted.


Nothing to report.

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