The project website is build with Jekyll. To write a blog post, follow these steps:
- Check out flink-web. Check out the asf-site branch of the flink-web repository (
- Write your post:
- In the _posts directory, create a new file for your post.
- Follow the same file naming scheme as the existing posts, e.g., and use the following template for your post (including the "---"):
layout: post
title: "Your title"
date: 2015-05-01 10:00:00
author: "Your Name [OPTIONAL]"
author-twitter: "Your Twitter handle w/o the @ [OPTIONAL]"
excerpt: "Post excerpt for preview [OPTIONAL]"
categories: blog
You can use GitHub Flavored Markdown for your post. Some tips:Important: Make sure to correctly set the date tag in the preamble of your post.
The author tag is optional. If you don't set it, no author will be displayed.
The author-twitter tag is optional. It will only be displayed if you also set the author tag.
The excerpt tag is optional. If you don't provide one, the first paragraph of your text will be used as the excerpt. This is important for the blog overview page.
- When writing your blog post, use hierarchical heading levels. Start with level two headings, e.g. ## YOUR HEADING. Don't let the layout influence which type of heading you use (if you are not satisfied with the layout, start a community discussion about it).
- Build website. Build the website with the included build script. This will create the complete project page including your new post using Jekyll in the content directory.
- Push changes. Commit the changes (including the content directory) and either push it directly to the repository or ask the community to review and push your post.