To be Reviewed By: 04/06/2020

Authors: Donal Evans

Status: Draft | Discussion | Active | Dropped | Superseded

Superseded by: N/A

Related: N/A


For some time, there has been a demand for a feature to allow users to determine the redundancy status of partitioned regions and to restore any missing redundancy without having to trigger a full rebalance of the system.[1] [2] Currently, no simple internal API call or gfsh command exists that provides users with the redundancy status of all partitioned regions in a system and the only way to manually trigger redundancy recovery is to perform a rebalance operation, which is a resource-intensive operation that can potentially move a lot of data around and cause exceptions if transactions are running in the system.[3] In order to determine the redundancy status of all partitioned regions, a user has to use a workaround of repeatedly calling 

gfsh>show metrics --categories=partition --region=region_name

for every partitioned region in the system, the output of which contains a lot of information that is not relevant to redundancy status.[4]


These gfsh commands and internal API are not intended to facilitate moving buckets or data from one member to another. Nor are they intended to guarantee full redundancy after calling, as it is possible that there are not enough members in the cluster to allow regions to meet their configured redundancy. It is also not within the scope of this RFC to describe any REST API that may be created at a future point in time to make use of the proposed internal API.

Current Implementation Details

The current method of triggering a rebalance operation is by creating a RebalanceFactory object using the InternalResourceManager.createRebalanceFactory() method and calling the RebalanceFactory.start() method on that factory. Regions can be explicitly included or excluded from the operation using the RebalanceFactory.includeRegions() and RebalanceFactory.excludeRegions() methods before calling start().

The RebalanceFactory.start() method creates and returns a RebalanceOperation object and calls the RebalanceOperation.start() method on it. This method schedules PartitionedRegionRebalanceOp operations for each partitioned region, passing as an argument a CompositeDirector implementation of the RebalanceDirector interface. The RebalanceDirector receives a model of the current system, and requests changes to the system such as creating buckets, moving buckets, or reassigning which members host primaries. The CompositeDirector implementation of RebalanceDirector removes over-redundancy, restores missing redundancy, moves buckets for better load balance and reassigns primaries for better primary distribution. 

The user can then call RebalanceOperation.getResults(), which waits for the operation to finish for all regions and returns a RebalanceResults object containing details about the number of buckets created and moved.


The proposed solution is to create a new RestoreRedundancyBuilder which will behave and be accessed in broadly the same way as the existing RebalanceFactory. When started, the builder will schedule PartitionedRegionRebalanceOp operations for each appropriate region,  but use a new RestoreRedundancyDirector instead of the CompositeDirector, which will only perform the removing over redundancy, restoring missing redundancy and (optionally) reassigning primary buckets steps.

Since the existing RebalanceResults object does not capture the relevant information regarding actual redundancy, the RestoreRedundancyBuilder.start() method will return a CompletableFuture that will return a RestoreRedundancyResults object containing the redundancy status for each region involved in the operation as well as information about primary bucket reassignments.

Changes and Additions to Public Interfaces

To allow users to trigger a restore redundancy operation, a new RestoreRedundancyBuilder object will be created, similar to the existing RebalanceFactory. Two new methods will be added to the ResourceManager public interface to support this:

RestoreRedundancyBuilder createRestoreRedundancyBuilder()
Set<CompletableFuture<RestoreRedundancyResults>> getRestoreRedundancyOperations()


The RestoreRedundancyBuilder will be responsible for setting the regions to be explicitly included or excluded in the restore redundancy operation (default behaviour will be to include all regions), setting whether to reassign which members host primary buckets (default behaviour will be to reassign primaries) and starting the operation. A method will also be included for getting the current redundancy status:

public interface RestoreRedundancyBuilder {
  RestoreRedundancyBuilder includeRegions(Set<String> regions);

  RestoreRedundancyBuilder excludeRegions(Set<String> regions);

  RestoreRedundancyBuilder doNotReassignPrimaries(boolean shouldNotReassign);

  CompletableFuture<RestoreRedundancyResults> start();

  RestoreRedundancyResults redundancyStatus();



The RestoreRedundancyResults object will be a collection of individual results for each region and will contain methods for determining the overall success or failure of the operation,  generating a detailed description of the state of the regions and for getting information about the work done to reassign primaries as part of the operation. The Status returned by the RestoreRedundancyResults will be FAILURE if at least one bucket in one region has zero redundant copies (and that region is configured to have redundancy),  ERROR if the restore redundancy operation failed to start or encountered an exception and SUCCESS otherwise:

public interface RestoreRedundancyResults {
  enum Status {

  void addRegionResults(RestoreRedundancyResults results);

void addPrimaryReassignmentDetails(PartitionRebalanceInfo details);

  void addRegionResult(RestoreRedundancyRegionResult regionResult);

  Status getStatus();

  String getMessage();

  RestoreRedundancyRegionResult getRegionResult(String regionName);

  Map<String, RestoreRedundancyRegionResult> getZeroRedundancyRegionResults();

  Map<String, RestoreRedundancyRegionResult> getUnderRedundancyRegionResults();

  Map<String, RestoreRedundancyRegionResult> getSatisfiedRedundancyRegionResults();

  Map<String, RestoreRedundancyRegionResult> getRegionResults();

  int getTotalPrimaryTransfersCompleted();

  long getTotalPrimaryTransferTime();



Finally, the RestoreRedundancyRegionResult object will be a data structure containing a snapshot of the name, configured redundancy, actual redundancy and a status representing the state of redundancy for a given region:

public class RestoreRedundancyRegionResult{
  enum RedundancyStatus {

  public String getRegionName();

  public int getDesiredRedundancy();

  public int getActualRedundancy();

  public RedundancyStatus getStatus();


Gfsh commands

To provide additional utility, two gfsh commands will also be created; 

restore redundancy [--include-region=value(,value)*] [--exclude-region=value(,value)*] [--dont-reassign-primaries(=value)]
status redundancy [--include-region=value(,value)*] [--exclude-region=value(,value)*]

The first command will execute a function on members hosting the specified partitioned regions and trigger the restore redundancy operation for those regions, then report the final redundancy status of those regions.

The command will return success status if:

  • At least one redundant copy exists for every bucket in regions with redundancy configured that were included, either explicitly or implicitly.
  • No partitioned regions were found and none were explicitly included.

The command will return error status if:

  • At least one bucket in a region has zero redundant copies, and that region has redundancy configured.
  • At least one of the explicitly included partitioned regions is not found.
  • There is a member in the system with a version of Geode older than 1.13.0 (assuming that is the version in which this feature is implemented).
  • The restore redundancy function encounters an exception.

The second command will determine the current redundancy status for the specified regions and report it to the user.

Both commands will take optional --include-region and --exclude-region arguments, similar to the existing rebalance command. If neither argument is specified, all regions will be included. Included regions will take precedence over excluded regions when both are specified. The restore redundancy command will also take an optional --dont-reassign-primaries argument to determine if primaries should not be reassigned during the operation. The default behaviour will be to reassign primaries.

Both commands will output a list of regions with zero redundant copies first (unless they are configured to have zero redundancy), then regions with less than their configured redundancy, then regions with full redundancy. The restore redundancy command will also output information about how many primaries were reassigned and how long that process took, similar to the existing rebalance command.

Performance Impact

Since the proposed changes do not modify any existing behaviour, no performance impact is anticipated. Moreover, since restoring redundancy without performing a full rebalance is significantly less resource intensive, the addition of these gfsh commands provides a more performant solution for cases in which only restoration of redundancy is wanted.

Backwards Compatibility and Upgrade Path

Members running older versions of Geode will not be able to perform the restore redundancy operation, so if any such members are detected in the system, the operation will fail to start and return an error status.

Prior Art

Any proposed solution to the problem that did not use the existing rebalance logic would have to reimplement large and complicated areas of code in order to correctly create redundant copies on members. One possible other solution that would use the existing rebalance logic would be to provide additional arguments to the existing rebalance operation to prevent moving buckets and prevent moving primaries. Given that the rebalance operation is already complicated, and that it could be confusing from a user perspective to use the name “rebalance” for an operation that is not actually balancing any data load, this solution was rejected in favour of creating a new, specific operation to restore redundancy.


RestoreRedundancyBuilder should be renamed to RestoreRedundancyOperation throughout, and the interface should now be: 

public interface RestoreRedundancyOperation {
  RestoreRedundancyOperation includeRegions(Set<String> regions);

  RestoreRedundancyOperation excludeRegions(Set<String> regions);

  RestoreRedundancyOperation shouldReassignPrimaries(boolean shouldReassign);

  CompletableFuture<RestoreRedundancyResults> start();

  RestoreRedundancyResults redundancyStatus();

The class name change results in more consistent class names and the method name change results in more easily understandable and consistent code.

References to RestoreRedundancyDirector should be omitted.

This change reflects the fact that instead of introducing a new class, the existing CompositeDirector was modified slightly to allow it to be used when restoring redundancy.

The new methods added to the ResourceManager public interface should now be:

RestoreRedundancyOperation createRestoreRedundancyOperation()

Set<CompletableFuture<RestoreRedundancyResults>> getRestoreRedundancyFutures()

These changes reflect the new name of RestoreRedundancyOperation and better describe what is returned by the "get" method.

The section describing the Status enum should now read: 

The Status returned by the RestoreRedundancyResults will be FAILURE if at least one bucket in one region has fewer than the configured number of redundant copiesERROR if the restore redundancy operation failed to start or encountered an exception and SUCCESS otherwise.

This change raises the threshold for what is considered a successful operation from one that results in any level of redundancy for all regions to one that results in fully satisfied redundancy for all regions.

The following methods should be omitted from the description of the RestoreRedundancyResults interface:

void addRegionResults(RestoreRedundancyResults results);

void addPrimaryReassignmentDetails(PartitionRebalanceInfo details);

void addRegionResult(RestoreRedundancyRegionResult regionResult);

This change prevents leaking of internal classes through a public API and makes the RestoreRedundancyResults interface read-only.

The getTotalPrimaryTransferTime() method in the RestoreRedundancyResults interface should return a java.time.Duration object instead of a long.

This change is intended to help provide more reliable handling of time-based values, as without an explicitly provided time unit there exists a possibility of confusion over the meaning of a long time value.

RestoreRedundancyRegionResult should be renamed RegionRedundancyStatus throughout and the description of the class should now be:

Finally, the RegionRedundancyStatus object will be a data structure containing a snapshot of the name, configured redundancy, actual redundancy and a status representing the state of redundancy for a given region:

public interface RegionRedundancyStatus{
  enum RedundancyStatus {

 String getRegionName();

 int getConfiguredRedundancy();

 int getActualRedundancy();

 RedundancyStatus getStatus();

The name change prevents confusion between the RestoreRedundancyRegionResult and RestoreRedundancyResults classes and the extraction to an interface prevents leaking of internal classes through a public API. The method name change to getConfiguredRedundancy is intended to provide more clarity about what the method returns.

The section describing the success/error status of the restore redundancy gfsh command should now read:

The command will return success status if:

  • Redundancy is fully satisfied for all regions that were included, either explicitly or implicitly.
  • No partitioned regions were found and none were explicitly included.

The command will return error status if:

  • At least one bucket in a region has zero redundant copies, and that region has redundancy configured.
  • At least one bucket in a region has fewer than the configured number of redundant copies.
  • At least one of the explicitly included partitioned regions is not found.
  • There is a member in the system with a version of Geode older than 1.13.0 (assuming that is the version in which this feature is implemented).
  • The restore redundancy function encounters an exception.

This change brings the gfsh command output in line with the Status returned by the RestoreRedundancyResults.

The --dont-reassign-primaries argument should be renamed --reassign-primaries throughout. The default value of the argument will be true, so the behaviour described in the RFC will be unchanged.

This change brings the gfsh arguments in line with the RestoreRedundancyOperation interface. 

The backwards compatibility and upgrade path section should now read:

Members running older versions of Geode will not be able to execute the redundancy command function, so if any such members are detected in the system, the gfsh commands will fail to start and return an error status.

This change takes into account the fact that it will be possible for individual members to successfully start a restore redundancy operation regardless of the other members in the system, but that attempting to send a function to an older member during executing of the gfsh command will result in an exception.






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  1. You might want to consider replacing RestoreRedundancyOperation with CompletableFuture<RestoreRedundancyResults> or changing RestoreRedundancyOperation to extend Future or CompletableFuture. The interface is already very similar to Future – making it a CompletableFuture will enable the user of the API to combine it with other CompletableFutures. It also helps push us in a direction of standardizing on Future/CompletableFuture for APIs that involve asynchronous computation.