Single Version

A single version number is used for all specifications. When a release is made all specification jars are released together with the single version number.


  • Release process is simple and can be fully automated with the release plugin.
  • User only has to know one version number to get the most resent release.


  • New versions of the specification jars are created with each release even if the code has not changed.
  • User will end up with duplicate jars in local repository which is confusing and a waste of resources on the repository server and local system.
  • New specs appear with high version numbers.
  • An uncertified spec can hold up the release of tested and specifications.

Version Per Spec

Each specification has a separate version number and is released independently of other specification jars.


  • Each revision number for a specification contains code changes.
  • Users do not have to download new jar releases without code changes.
  • Specifications can be developed and released without having to release all other specs some of which may not be ready to release.


  • Releases are more difficult because the person performing the release must be aware of any dependencies and must also rerelease those jars. (eliminated with working version-ranges)
  • Duplicate jars are created when no code has changed which is a waste of resources on the repository server and local system. (eliminated with working version-ranges)
  • Users must be aware of the newest version number for the specification jars they are using. (eliminated with working version-ranges)

Supporting Facts

  • There are currently 26 specifications.
  • Version ranges don't work several (most?) important maven plugins
  • 11 of the specs have inner dependencies:
    ejb 2.1 -> jta 1.0.1b
    ejb3 -> jta 1.1, interceptor, annotation
    conector 1.5 -> jta 1.0.1b
    jacc -> servlet 2.4
    j2ee mgmt -> ejb 2.1
    javamail 1.3.1 -> activation
    javamail 1.4 -> activation
    jaxr -> activation
    jaxrpc -> saaj, qname, servlet 2.4
    jsp -> servlet 2.4
    saaj -> activation
  • Only 5 of the 11 specs will change often due to inner dependencies:
    javamail 1.3.1 -> activation
    javamail 1.4 -> activation
    jaxr -> activation
    jaxrpc -> saaj, qname, servlet 2.4
    saaj -> activation
  • Several specification have not had code changes in 2+ years:
  • No labels


  1. Soon to be 27 specs (I've got JAF 1.1 ready to go), which will also change some of the other dependencies. javamail 1.4 should change to be dependent upon activation 1.1, since that's how the Sun version is structured. Not to sure how other components with activation dependencies will fair.

  2. I suggest anyone considering voting for the second option try upgrading one spec and its dependencies and releasing it (locally). My strong support for the first option is based primarily upon my certainty that the second is too complicated for me personally to do and belief that it is also beyond the capabilities of almost all the committers. I'm certainly not going to ask anyone else to do something I'm sure I can't do.