Welcome to the Apache Geronimo v2.0 documentation. Just like with this version of Geronimo, this documentation is still in the making.
Apache Geronimo v2.0 is the first JEE 5 Certified release. At this point in time, Geronimo-Tomcat assembly with CXF for WebServices and OpenJPA for persistence have passed 100% SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 5.0 Certification Test Suite. We continue to strive towards certification on the other assemblies. Check the RELEASE-NOTES-2.0.2.TXT for an updated list of supported features and known issues and limitations.
The following documentation provides instructions for configuring and using Apache Geronimo v2.0 as well as providing some sample applications for testing the specific features. Comments and contributions are most welcome.
- Administration
- Administrative tasks
- Administering applications
- Administering the Apache Geronimo Server
- Configuring security
- Configuring services
- Configuring Geronimo as a Windows Service
- Configuring Virtual Hosts in Geronimo-Jetty
- Configuring Virtual Hosts in Geronimo-Tomcat
- Create a database
- Geronimo Administration Console
- Running Geronimo
- System Modules
- Tools and commands
- Administrative tasks
- Deployment Plans
- Developing with Eclipse
- Installation
- Migrating to Apache Geronimo
- J2G Migration Tool
- JBoss to Geronimo - EJB-BMP Migration
- JBoss to Geronimo - EJB-CMP Migration
- JBoss to Geronimo - EJB-MDB Migration
- JBoss to Geronimo - EJB-Session Beans Migration
- JBoss to Geronimo - Hibernate Migration
- JBoss to Geronimo - JDBC Migration
- JBoss to Geronimo - Security Migration
- JBoss to Geronimo - Servlets and JSPs Migration
- JBoss to Geronimo - Web Services Migration
- openejb-jar.xml
- Quick start - Apache Geronimo for the impatient
- README.txt
- Sample applications
- Apache Harmony
- Creating a new sample
- DayTrader
- DB Pool Testing sample application
- Deploy and run J2EE Application Client
- EJB sample application
- How to get JNDI working in Geronimo 2.0
- Inbound JCA example
- JMS and MDB sample application
- JMS Resources deployment
- LDAP sample application
- Simple database access sample application
- Simple Web Service with JAX-WS
- SPECjAppServer2004
- Using Geronimo's default JavaMail session
- Using JNDI in Geronimo 2.0
- Using some of EJB 3.0 functionalities
- Very simple Entity EJB example
- Very simple Session EJB example
- Web application security sample
- Troubleshooting