You can deploy jms resources with deploy command (without web console). When you want to create a group of resources consist of ConnectionFactory, topics and queues you only have to deploy a geronimo-activemq-ra connector (RA meaning "ResourceAdapter") with an deploy plan like this...

<connector xmlns="">
  <dep:environment xmlns:dep="">
      <workmanager xmlns="">
              <transaction-caching />
              <match-one />

  <!-- ElementSupportData topic-->
      <config-property-setting name="PhysicalName">ElementSupportData</config-property-setting>
  <!-- Sample Queue --> 
      <config-property-setting name="PhysicalName">SampleQueue</config-property-setting>

Now you only have to deploy it with this command (I named deploy plan as JmsResources.xml) ussing for this example geronimo 2.0.2:

java -jar %GERONIMO_HOME%/bin/deployer.jar --user system --password manager --host localhost deploy JmsResources.xml %GERONIMO_HOME%/repository/org/apache/geronimo/modules/geronimo-activemq-ra/2.0.2/geronimo-activemq-ra-2.0.2.rar

Remember that geronimo-activemq-ra-2.0.2.rar path or name can change according to the geronimo 2.x installation that you have. If deploy works well, in Geronimo Web Console-> JMS Resources will appear a new JMS Resource group named jmsResources (console.jms/jmsResources/1.0/rar). console.jms/jmsResources/1.0/rar is the component name created ussing data defined in moduleId tag.

If you want to undeploy it, you can do it from Geronimo Web Console -> J2EE connectors or with deploy command as this manner...

java -jar %GERONIMO_HOME%/bin/deployer.jar --user system --password manager --host localhost undeploy console.jms/jmsResources/1.0/rar

Remember set RemoteDeployHostname into %GERONIMO_HOME%\var\config\ if you want to do remote deploy (when --host parameter is not the localhost).

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