Major Features for Geronimo 2.2
Planned Features
Java SE 6 support (GERONIMO-4089) - Jarek
- Support server runtime on Java SE 5 and 6
- JEE5 certification with Java SE 6
- Upgrade key dependencies to latest versions
Upgrade to Dojo 1.3.1
Upgrade to Tomcat 6.0.20 (GERONIMO-4245) - Donald
Upgrade to OpenJPA 1.2.0 (GERONIMO-4278) - Donald
Upgrade to Derby (GERONIMO-4295) - Donald
Upgrade to Jetty 6.1.14 (GERONIMO-4437) - Donald (replaced with jetty7 for all practical purposes)
JAX-WS 2.1 / JAX-B 2.1
Axis2 1.5 (GERONIMO-4327) - Jarek
CXF 2.1.3 (GERONIMO-4263) - Jarek
Use CXF tooling instead of Sun RI to generate WSDL artifacts (GERONIMO-4351) - Jarek
Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.2.0, involving replacing much of the jms portion of the admin console (GERONIMO-4298, GERONIMO-4337)
Upgrade to JACC 1.1-MR5 spec (GERONIMO-4357) - David Jencks
- Upgrade to latest Geronimo Javamail Spec and Impl releases - Rick McGuire
- Update OpenEJB version from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 (GERONIMO-4684)
Use CXF tooling to generate WSDL and other artifacts for JAX-WS services
Integrate jetty7 (servlet 3.0) with jaspi support (GERONIMO-4249) - David Jencks
- Usability improvements
JMS Portlet improvements
EJB Portlet improvements (GERONIMO-3811) - Manu
- Console accessibility improvements (GERONIMO-4080, GERONIMO-4081
) - Forrest/Donald
Custom server assembly UI improvements (GERONIMO-4265, GERONIMO-4282) - Lin
- Use GShell for all main cmdline scripts, but not for client and simple start/stop scenarios? (GERONIMO-4105, GERONIMO-4118, GSHELL-117)
Run the activemq web console on geronimo (GERONIMO-4560)
Security realm based Group-Role mapping (GERONIMO-4523)
install-library goal for geronimo-maven-plugin (GERONIMO-4408)
Provide a mechanism to hide specific classes of a configuration to all its children (GERONIMO-4403)
Extension of configuration dependencies and gbeans via Groovy scripts (GERONIMO-4401)
New Service instance via plugins (GERONIMO-4382)
Server farm management via plugins (GERONIMO-4284) - David Jencks
- Reduce server footprint and startup time
- Remove usage of Dojo 0.4.3 (Not gonna happen for 2.2)
Switch to Dojo 1.3.1 mini release (GERONIMO-4325) - JayDM – we are no longer packaging our own copy of dojo
- Server runtime
Plugin profiles - Lin
Server farm/cluster management with dynamic members and improved deployment for offline/new member scenarios (GERONIMO-4284) - David J.
TranQL connector for MS SQL 2000/2005 (GERONIMO-4279)
TranQL connector for Oracle RAC (GERONIMO-4297)
TranQL connector for Informix (GERONIMO-4365)
GBean Annotations (GERONIMO-4399) - Gianny Damour
Mechanism to hide specific classes of a configuration to all its children (GERONIMO-4403) - Gianny Damour
Extension of configuration dependencies and gbeans via Groovy scripts (GERONIMO-4401) - Gianny Damour
- Tooling
Enhance geronimo-maven-plugin to start/stop multiple servers at once (GERONIMO-4283) - David J.
Create new Server Instances via plugins (GERONIMO-4382) - David J.
GEP support for creating Custom Server Assemblies (GERONIMODEVTOOLS-524) - BJ Reed
Enhance geronimo-maven-plugin with install-library goal (GERONIMO-4408) - Michal Borowiecki
- GEP support for building plugins
Potential Items
- Connector 1.6 implementation (GERONIMO-4360), -4358 - David Jencks (this is moderately complete but completely untested)
- Publish Debug View portlets as optional plugins (remove from assemblies)
- Publish Monitoring plugins as optional (remove from assemblies)
- Publish Plan Creator as optional plugins (remove from assemblies)
- Possible reorg of the Admin Console (if we enable collapsible tree)
- Additional JMS Portlet improvements
- EJB Portlet improvements
- Use CDDL licensed spec xsds in a publicly available project for xmlbeans or jaxb object generation
- Convert to jaxb for builders
- scripting/code-by-convention environment - would be cool to see a Grails/JRuby on Rails environment integrated with Geronimo
Snapshots we need released before main release.
Geronimo stuff
- jacc spec
- jaxb 2.1 spec
- jaspi component
- tomcat/jasper fork
- xbean
- dojo 0.4.3 war
- connector 1.6 spec (probably not)
- txmanager trunk (probably not)
- servlet 3.0 spec (probably not)
Non-geronimo stuff
- openejb
- jetty (unless an RC works for us)
- activemq
Individual Release Plans and Status
See the Apache Geronimo Release Status section in this wiki space for more details.
Geronimo 2.2 documentation plan/status
See Apache Geronimo v2.2 documentation development status for more details.