The Apache Harmony community remains healthy and continues to enhance the
body of Java runtime technology under its management. There is a new
project milestone build imminent and a new committer has recently been
appointed. The lack of a JCK continues to be an issue for Harmony.
Development and Releases
The Harmony community is focused on improving the quality of the existing
code, and completing the last remaining providers and tools usually associated
with Java runtimes. The code is currently undergoing release management
towards a Java 5.0 M9 release expected to be declared by the end of this
month. Our last release was in November 2008.
Contributions into the code base are numerous. New work being delivered
in the upcoming release includes:
- performance: across multiple areas, including class library improvements
and JIT compiler global propagation optimizations, integer MUL/DIV/REM
strength reduction, and so on.
- pack200: a new implementation of the JSR-200 compression technology
for Java bytecodes.
- porting work: in the class libraries for AIX and zOS operating systems.
- bug fixing: focus on our test case enhancements, and on passing the
Eclipse Test Suite.
We have enhanced the community-hosted builds with new jobs running on the
Apache Hudson infrastructure. This gives a valuable insight into the state
of the builds for developers who do not run their own continuous integration
No reported security incidents this period.
We are delighted to have Aleksey Shipilev accept an offer to become a
committer for Harmony. Aleksey has contributed to many areas of Harmony
including performance and community discussion over a sustained period.
There were no changes to the PMC during this period. There are currently
39 committers, of which ~14 were active this period.
After a discussion around our use of Google Analytics, we decided to remove
the analytics tracker code from our website rather than update the privacy
The Harmony project intends to participate once again in the Google Summer
of Code program, and discussion around suitable projects is underway on
the developer mailing list.