Board report April - June 2010


The Apache Harmony community remains healthy, and has recently
released new milestone builds.  The lack of a JCK continues to be an
issue for Harmony, with no end in sight.

Development and Releases

The Harmony community continues to publish regular milestones from the
5.0 SE and 6.0 SE branches.  On June 1st we published Apache Harmony
5.0 Milestone 14 and Apache Harmony 6.0 Milestone 2.  These are
primarily bug fix releases with about 42 JIRAs being fixed between

In addition to code fixing, there are a steady stream of build system
improvements being committed; and some experimentation talking place
on a separate, temporary branch to enable community comment before
merging back to head.  There is also continued work on
"Harmony Select", which is a headless runtime profile derived from the
existing code.

Traffic on the developer mailing list is steady, representing the
increased maturity of the code.  People remain responsive to questions
and comments.


There were no changes to the Harmony PMC or committers during the last
reporting period, and there are now 50 committers of which ~9 were
active this period.

The Harmony community includes Google Summer of Code participants who
are making a good contribution to the code and community.

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