HttpComponents JavaDoc guidelines

Interface description must consist of

  • Purpose
  • Description (optional)
  • Statement whether this interface represents an entity or a process defined by a standard specification such as RFC document, when applicable (optional)

Class description must consist of

  • Purpose
  • Description (optional)
  • Statement whether this class implements an entity or a process defined by a standard specification such as RFC document, when applicable (optional)
  • Statement whether instances of this class are mutable (optional). If not explicitly stated, instances of this class are assumed to be mutable
  • Statement whether this class is multi-threading safe (optional). If not explicitly stated, the class is assumed to be NOT threading-safe

Method description must consist of

  • Purpose
  • Expected effect
  • Description (optional)
  • Statement whether this method is modal, that is, if the object must be in a specific state (pre-conditions) or mode in order to execute correctly (optional). If not explicitly stated, the method is assumed to be non-modal.
  • Required parameters. It must be explicitly stated whether null is permitted as a parameter value. Per default parameters are assumed to require a non-null value and to cause a
    if null is given.
  • Exceptions that can be thrown in the course of method's execution and their possible cause (post-conditions).
  • private methods can have minimal or no JavaDocs if they are short and trivial enough.
  • methods that implement a signature from an interface or base class that is sufficiently documented there can omit JavaDocs in favor of comments like:
     // non-javadoc, see interface XXX 

     // non-javadoc, see class XYZ 

    The non-javadoc comment with a pointer to the documentation is required for people reading the source code. The JavaDoc tool will automatically copy the description from the interface or base class into the generated documentation.
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