This maturity model is provided by the Comunity Development PMC and is one way for us to measure our progress toward and readiness for graduation.
The goal of this maturity model is to describe how Apache projects operate, in a concise and high-level way.
It is meant to be usable outside of Apache as well, for projects that might want to adopt some or all of these principles. Projects that envision moving to Apache at some point might start working towards this to prepare for their move.
It does not describe all the details of how our projects operate but aim to capture the invariants of Apache projects and point to additional information where needed. To keep the main model as concise as possible we use footnotes for anything that's not part of the core model.
Contrary to other maturity models, we do not define staged partial compliance levels. A mature Apache project complies with all the elements of this model, and other projects are welcome to pick and choose the elements that suit their goals.
Note that we try to avoid using the word "must" below. The model describes the state of a mature project, as opposed to a set of rules.
The Apache Project Maturity Model
Each item in the model has a unique ID to allow them to be easily referenced elsewhere.
Code | Description | Status | Comments |
CD10 | The project produces Open Source software, for distribution to the public at no charge. | Available from download page with Apache license version 2.0 | |
CD20 | The project's code is easily discoverable and publicly accessible. | Code can be found from the website in CD10 Code is hosted publicly on github | |
CD30 | The code can be built in a reproducible way using widely available standard tools. | Maven build process documented in README.md | |
CD40 | The full history of the project's code is available via a source code control system, | The source history is available here and releases are tagged. | |
CD50 | The provenance of each line of code is established via the source code control system, in a reliable way based on strong authentication of the committer. When third-party contributions are committed, commit messages to provide reliable information about the code provenance. | Only project committers have access to merge code contributions. Commit messages clearly detail the author & committer for each contribution, including 3rd party contributors. Code contributions and commit process documented |
Licenses and Copyright
Code | Description | Status | Comments |
LC10 | The code is released under the Apache License, version 2.0. | see CD10. LICENSE file is included in the release distributions. | |
LC20 | Libraries that are mandatory dependencies of the project's code do not create | All dependencies included in release bundles have licenses compatible with the Apache License and are documented in the LICENSES file in the bundle | |
LC30 | The libraries mentioned in LC20 are available as Open Source software. | All libraries are available as Open Source software and documented in the LICENSES file | |
LC40 | Committers are bound by an Individual Contributor Agreement (the "Apache iCLA") that defines which code they are allowed to commit and how they need to identify code that is not their own. | All committers have signed ICLA's. Write access to the project repo requires an Apache account, which requires an ICLA on file. | |
LC50 | The copyright ownership of everything that the project produces is clearly defined and documented. | The release bundle LICENSE and NOTICE files are accurate and complete |
Code | Description | Status | Comments |
RE10 | Releases consist of source code, distributed using standard and open archive formats that are expected to stay readable in the long term. | See http://hudi.apache.org/releases.html, which distributes code as gzipped tarball archive | |
RE20 | Releases are approved by the project's PMC (see CS10), in order to make them an act of the Foundation. | Yes, all releases so far have gone through PPMC's vetting and approvals. | |
RE30 | Releases are signed and/or distributed along with digests that can be reliably used to validate the downloaded archives. | Yes | |
RE40 | Convenience binaries can be distributed alongside source code but they are not Apache Releases -- they are just a convenience provided with no guarantee. | Yes | |
RE50 | The release process is documented and repeatable to the extent that someone new to the project is able to independently generate the complete set of artifacts required for a release. | See Release Manager's Guide |
Code | Description | Status | Comments |
QU10 | The project is open and honest about the quality of its code. Various levels of quality and maturity for various modules are natural and acceptable as long as they are clearly communicated | Known issues are tracked in JIRA for public viewing - HUDI Jira | |
QU20 | The project puts a very high priority on producing secure software. | YES. Security issues are treated with the highest priority, according to the CVE/Security Advisory procedure. | |
QU30 | The project provides a well-documented channel to report security issues, along with a documented way of responding to them. | Reporting security issues on the project has been documented at Reporting Security Issues. | |
QU40 | The project puts a high priority on backward compatibility and aims to document any incompatible changes and provide tools and documentation to help users transition to new features. | Hudi provides documentation on our website and will take care to preserve backward compatibility and has thus far announced any breaking/important changes in behavior, that are necessary because of security or other concerns. Project will continue to uphold this. | |
QU50 | The project strives to respond to documented bug reports in a timely manner. | That is the goal and the results so far have generally been good. 390+ issues closed since start of incubation. |
Code | Description | Status | Comments |
CO10 | The project has a well-known homepage that points to all the information required to operate according to this maturity model. | https://hudi.apache.org/ is very comprehensive | |
CO20 | The community welcomes contributions from anyone who acts in good faith and in a respectful manner and adds value to the project. | The project homepage/website makes it clear that contributions are most welcome. The project has never refused any contributions. | |
CO30 | Contributions include not only source code, but also documentation, constructive bug reports, constructive discussions, marketing and generally anything that adds value to the project. | The project welcomes and recognizes all contributions that add value to the project. Not just code. e.g: wiki documentation, documentation improvement. | |
CO40 | The community is meritocratic and over time aims to give more rights and responsibilities to contributors who add value to the project. | So far four individuals who have shown a commitment to the project have been voted in as committers and PPMC members. Project also recognizes promising contributors via an appreciation email | |
CO50 | The way in which contributors can be granted more rights such as commit access or decision power is clearly documented and is the same for all contributors. | Information on how to become a committer is documented here http://hudi.apache.org/community.html. | |
CO60 | The community operates based on the consensus of its members (see CS10) who have decision power. Dictators, benevolent or not, are not welcome in Apache projects. | The number of DISCUSS threads on the dev mailing list bear testimony to this. | |
CO70 | The project strives to answer user questions in a timely manner. | The dev@ mailing lists, GitHub issues and Apache Hudi slack general# channel are the go-to places to pose questions and receive answers. |
Consensus Building
Code | Description | Status | Comments |
CS10 | The project maintains a public list of its contributors who have decision power -- the project's PMC (Project Management Committee) consists of those contributors. | All committers and PMC members are documented at http://hudi.apache.org/community.html | |
CS20 | Decisions are made by consensus among PMC members 9 and are documented on the project's main communications channel. | The project has voted on new committers, PPMC members, and releases using the appropriate channels and mailing lists. | |
CS30 | Documented voting rules are used to build consensus when a discussion is not sufficient. 10 | Hudi uses the Apache rules laid down at http://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html | |
CS40 | In Apache projects, vetoes are only valid for code commits and are justified by a technical explanation, as per the Apache voting rules defined in CS30.CS50All "important" discussions happen asynchronously in written form on the project's main communications channel. Offline, face-to-face or private discussions 11 that affect the project are also documented on that channel. | All decisions are made on the mailing lists. |
Code | Description | Status | Comments |
IN10 | The project is independent of any corporate or organizational influence. | committers and participants that work for corporations appear to understand their Apache hat and make decisions based on the good of the project and appear to be independent. | |
IN20 | Contributors act as themselves as opposed to representatives of a corporation or organization. | See IN10 |
Related efforts, inspiration
- http://oss-watch.ac.uk/resources/ssmm
- http://osswatch.jiscinvolve.org/wp/2014/12/11/open-or-fauxpen-use-the-oss-watch-openness-rating-tool-to-find-out/
- https://blogs.apache.org/comdev/entry/what_makes_apache_projects_different
- http://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:16
- http://oss-watch.ac.uk/resources/reusereadinessrating
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capability_Maturity_Model_Integration
- https://www.apache.org/dev/project-requirements
- "For distribution to the public at no charge" is straight from the ASF Bylaws at http://apache.org/foundation/bylaws.html. (1)
- See also LC40. (2)
- It's ok for platforms (like a runtime used to execute our code) to have different licenses as long as they don't impose reciprocal licensing on what we are distributing. (3)
- http://apache.org/legal/resolved.html has information about acceptable licenses for third-party dependencies (4)
- In Apache projects, the ASF owns the copyright for the collective work, i.e. the project's releases. Contributors retain copyright on their contributions but grant the ASF a perpetual copyright license for them. (5)
- See http://www.apache.org/dev/release.html for more info on Apache releases (6)
- The required level of security depends on the software's intended uses, of course. Expectations should be clearly documented. (7)
- Apache projects can just point to http://www.apache.org/security/ or use their own security contacts page, which should also point to that. (8)
- In Apache projects, "consensus" means widespread agreement among people who have decision power. It does not necessarily mean "unanimity". (9)
- For Apache projects, http://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html defines the voting rules. (10)
- Apache projects have a private mailing list that their PMC is expected to use only when really needed. The private list is typically used for discussions about people, for example, to discuss and to vote on PMC candidates privately. (11)
- Independence can be understood as basing the project's decisions on the open discussions that happen on the project's main communications channel, with no hidden agendas. (12)
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