


Current state:  IN PROGRESS

Discussion thread: here

JIRA HUDI-504 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Released: <Hudi Version>


This RFC aims at improving the Hudi web documentation for users and the process of updating docs for developers.


There are a few gaps we observed regarding the docs:

  • We only have one version of docs kept at the asf-site branch for the latest release.  Given that each version has new features and improvements, some involving configuration and parameter changes compared to to previous versions, the single version of docs can create confusion for users using a previous release of Hudi.
  • There's no API docs generated from the code.
  • Current process of building, testing, and deploying docs (i.e the content powering is mostly manual.


To address these gaps, restructuring of the docs is needed to make the process easier. Migration with Travis-ci, it can build the asf-site branch and execute callback scripts.

The diagram below shows the workflow.

Key Points

There are several key points need to consider:

  • How to migration with travis-ci
  • How to use git command safely in travis-ci (important)

To use git command safely, hidden the password, we need use bellow form.

git clone https://${GIT_TOKEN}${GIT_REPO}/${GIT_PROJECT}.git

Steps to get the {GIT_TOKEN}

Steps - 01 : Enable two-factor authentication

Steps - 02 : Generate personal access tokens

Steps to migration with travis-ci

Steps - 01 : Active repository

Steps - 02 : Add {GIT_TOKEN} to environment variables

Steps - 03 : Add .travis.yml file to asf-site branch

language: ruby
  - 2.6.3

  clone: false

    - GIT_EMAIL=""
    - GIT_REPO="apache"
    - GIT_PROJECT="incubator-hudi"
    - GIT_BRANCH="asf-site"
    - DOCS_ROOT="`pwd`/${GIT_PROJECT}/docs"

  - git config --global ${GIT_USER}
  - git config --global ${GIT_EMAIL}
  - git clone https://${GIT_TOKEN}${GIT_REPO}/${GIT_PROJECT}.git
  - cd ${GIT_PROJECT} && git checkout ${GIT_BRANCH}
  - gem install bundler:2.0.2

  - pushd ${DOCS_ROOT}
  - bundle install
  - bundle update --bundler
  - bundle exec jekyll build _config.yml --source . --destination _site
  - popd

  - \cp -rf ${DOCS_ROOT}/_site/* test-content
  - git add -A
  - git commit -am "Travis CI build asf-site"
  - git push origin asf-site --force

    - asf-site

Steps - 04 : Check whether ci works well or not


Hope, this will works well


had test, when commits, it will generate docs and push the content to asf-site branch.


  1. Main comments here seem to revolve around how content is split and here is my take 

    • Instead of splitting based on pages, can we can do something where `*.md` files alone live on master branch
    • And css/js and other site related file, needed for rendering and also the full past versions of the site live on asf-site branch? 

    My point is, we are going to build scripts to do this anyway. So instead of having to remember what is release docs and what is site docs, this could be simpler? 

  2. Sorry for the late update...

    Based on the discussion in the community meeting on Nov 19, the consensus is that:

    • Still keep one branch for docs and sites instead of splitting it into two.  Keep asf-site branch for now.
    • Prioritize the work for versioning the docs and automating the generation and update of the site content.
    • Eventually move .md docs to master.

    I've updated the RFC accordingly.

  3. Y Ethan Guo   can we get an update on this work? if you are not actively working on this, lamber-ken , are you interested in contributing here, given you know the site really well now.

  4. Hi Vinoth Chandar , it's my pleasure if I can work on this RFC.  We can refer to flink project, flink project has resolved this problem in a simple way.

    Flink faced the same issue[1] which talk about the building website automactically. So I think we can learn from it.

    The solution uses apache buildbot[2] which can build and deploy snapshots automatically. It seems to need PMC/Committer to complete the next steps.


    Here is an architecture in my mind. 

  5. Vinoth Chandar I'm not actively working on this.  lamber-ken feel free to take over the tasks regarding this RFC.

  6. lamber-ken IIUC buildbot gives an ability to test and deploy the site.. but can we write a test that can bring up a site and test if its working correctly.. 

    We tried getting an account on ci.apache before.. not sure if we had much luck with getting that through.. Balaji Varadarajan do you remember what the issue was? 

  7. hi Vinoth Chandar from we can learn that buildbot support test and deploy the site.

    1. I think the issue was more around getting an account provisioned for us.. lets wait for balaji to chime in 

  8. I filed an infra jira to ask infra for helping us. Track this 

  9. lamber-ken  can you please update this RFC to accurately reflect the proposed plan? and split up the work into different JIRAs.

    There are some different use-cases problems here.

    • When a contributor submits a code change to the site, a staging site is built so reviewer can test it out. 
    • Once PR to the site is merged, the site is refreshed automatically. 
    • Maintaining release specific docs. (we have a poor man's version working now)

    Would love to understand the big picture and how we plan to solve each .. 

    1. Hi Vinoth Chandar willing to update the RFC based on my understanding of buildbot, any suggestion is welcome.

      1. Left some comments above.. Overall, I feel we should try to work off the asf-site branch alone and leave master alone for now.. 

        1. > When a contributor submits a code change to the site, a staging site is built so reviewer can test it out. 

          I am not sure how/if this requirement is met.. 

          > Once PR to the site is merged, the site is refreshed automatically. 

          I think you are hinting that it will be refreshed nightly, which is fine as well. 

          >Maintaining release specific docs.

          Don't understand that you keep mentioning the site gets deployed to Are you saying will serve the "latest" (unreleased version), while releases will be served off Not following this at all   

          1. > When a contributor submits a code change to the site, a staging site is built so reviewer can test it out. 

            I think it may can not met. Given scenario, if many users submit prs, it may need many staging sites to service 

            > Try to work off the asf-site branch alone and leave master alone for now.. 


            > Maintaining release specific docs.

            1, always used to point to the latest stage release doc. 

            2, When a new hudi version released, we can use script to build site like before does. May this can migrate with GH actions.

            3, Once PR to the site is merged, the is refreshed automatically.

          2. > if many users submit prs, it may need many staging sites to service 

            lets may be leave this out for now.. 

            > 3, Once PR to the site is merged, the is refreshed automatically.

            Would refresh automatically as well, every night? 

            When a new hudi version released, we can use script to build site like before does. May this can migrate with GH actions.

            I am wondering if we just tackle the versioning like we do today.. We can script the release specific docs creation like I did and keep it as just one site.. 

            All we need here is some automation to generate the site and refresh regularly right? 

            1. > 3, Once PR to the site is merged, the is refreshed automatically.

              The content of only be refreshed until next hudi stable version released. 

              When a new hudi version released, we can use script to build site like before does. May this can migrate with GH actions.

              The is refreshed automatically.

              I think no need to refresh, because when user run hudi using below command, they need release-0.5.1 version

              docs. So, they can visit

              bin/spark-shell \
                --packages org.apache.hudi:hudi-spark-bundle_2.11:0.5.1-incubating,org.apache.spark:spark-avro_2.11:2.4.4 \
                --conf 'spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer'

              If user build master branch by themself, they can visit

          3. >The content of only be refreshed until next hudi stable version released.

            got it.. Thats how the we do it now anyway I guess.. but would this process be automated? How do we make small edits to the live site, e.g fixing typos and so on. ?

            Still don't clearly understand where the docs for old releases will reside? I would like them to be served off the site always.. i.e when we make a new release,

            • the current site should be moved under pages denoting its version
            • the latest master build from buildbot needs to be push as the current site

            And we need to automate this. Do you agree? 

            1. We should not push the master content to the current site, event if we fix some typos.

              The content of the current site is a snapshot for the latest released hudi version.

              For example, if someone report bugs in 0.5.0-incubating, we can't modify the previous hudi jar.
              We can fix these bugs in master branch, user can build the master branch then use it.

            2. From my side, using buildbot is a better way to host multi version docs. But I don't have much experience with it, just learn it from its official document, and can't try it by myself to check whether it can meet our needs or not. So we can only test it step by step.

          4. >From my side, using buildbot is a better way to host multi version docs

            We need to really prove this statement with good data points..  I understand Flink serves release docs from , but Spark, Hadoop, Kafka all don't.. I am leaning towards this model of serving old and latest releases from master or unreleased docs can be staged via build bot .. can we agree on this? So we can start making some progress.. 

            1. Agree, let me know if I can help. (smile)

            2. Right, we can also learn from Spark about how they did. Let's try buildbot first. (smile)

              1. Sounds good.. please let me know if I need to step in to unblock you.. 

                But high level. we will be first making the master site publish on 

                1. lamber-ken sorry was busy for past few days with other things.. They seem to "promote" a release specific doc to the site .. 

                  I suggest we take the following approach.  

                  1. Get buildbot to build the latest/master site, whenever new code is checked into asf-site branch. We will link to this from
                  2. We can file/take on additional tasks for building staging sites on each PR or actually testing that the site can be built.. 
                  3. During each release, we will manually update with the newest release. 

                  This is an incremental approach and allows us to learn how it goes with buildbot, while still solving the biggest problem we have (which is automatically generating master docs).. I'd still prefer to serve released versions of hudi out of 

                  Hopefully, this gives you enough clarity to start tackling this 

                  1. Hi Vinoth Chandar  you're welcome, no need say sorry.  : )

                    1, web-site supports multi version docs

                    2, generate docs automatically

                    3, need a staging site for visit after each PR merged


                    >> web-site supports multi version docs

                    1) if use buildbot, like bellow

                    2) if not, I think may we need to use Github Actions. IMO, it can build site and push build result to asf-site branch

                      GitHub Actions 

                         - 1, build docs by script 

                         -2, execute git command to push the bulid result to asf-site branch 

                    >> generate docs automatically

                    As I known, only Flink did by using buildbot to build master docs. Spark, Hadoop .. etc didn't support this.

                    IMO, we can do 

                      1, use buildbot to build master docs

                      2, use GitHub Actions to build release docs

                    >> need a staging site for visit after each PR merged

                    If need use buildbot, staging site:


                    if use use GA, staging site:



                    I am learning Github Actions and trying it with my own project these days, if it can build site and push the result by git command.

                    If succeed, we may don't need use buildbot.

                    1. >> IMO, we can do 

                      >>  1, use buildbot to build master docs

                      >>  2, use GitHub Actions to build release docs 

                      This a good tradeoff.. 

                      >> If succeed, we may don't need use buildbot.

                      +1 In general, actually trying these tools and playing with it, often gives much more clarity. (smile) 

                      1. Yeah, I updated the RFC content, I had test it with my own project with travis ci. The most important is use git command safely in travis ci env. 

                        Next steps require the git token which can assess hudi project, so let authorized guys continue to work on it. : )


                        • Generate git token
                        • Add master folder into docs and places docs into it. Note: modify the uri 
                        • Add `.travis.yml` file


                    2. lamber-ken thanks for updating the RFC.. So, the first step here to build the master docs, push directly onto the asf-site branch? 


                      Let's have enough checks in there to ensure only the relevant folders are touched (smile) .. is this a new script that we will write as a part of github actions ? 

                      cc Shaofeng Li who can also help you more quickly in your time zone (smile)..  

                    3. lamber-ken  could you help structure the tasks in the effort a bit more as sub task jiras under the root one at the top?  IIUC so far, we have a solution to automating the doc build, seems like.. 

                      lets also think about, what happens if someone accidentally breaks the site.. ? We just rollback the last commit manually? 

                      1. Hi Vinoth Chandar

                        >> who can also help you more quickly in your time zone

                        Shaofeng LiHe has contacted me yesterday.

                        >>  is this a new script that we will write as a part of github actions ? 

                        No, just use travis ci,

                        >> the first step here to build the master docs, push directly onto the asf-site branch? 

                        Right, I write the `.travis.yml` myself and checked it. Travis will use it to build the docs, then push the content to asf-site

                        >>  if someone accidentally breaks the site

                        1. the git push action can be only executed after success


                        2. We also can rollback the last commit manually

                      2. lamber-ken  so the next step is for me to try repeating those steps you did.. correct? 

                          1. Okay will attempt this and report back..  

                        1. lamber-ken Finally got around to trying some stuff.. I have a concern here..

                          Per `after_success` executes if the `script` step is successful with non-zero error code.. 

                          So if someone makes a change and opens a PR, it will trigger the job, which will check out the git repo (I think this is done by travis anyway. separate topic).. , run the steps in script and just push the site? without even needing the PR to be approved? I think we should use the `deploy` step? 

                          1. Usually, the travis only be triggered when the PR be approved(I think it is)

                            We can control the default behavior, here is the travis doc, 


                          2. Right, only push the site

                          3. > Usually, the travis only be triggered when the PR be approved(I think it is)

                            For non asf-site branch , this is not true. travis is triggered once you submit the PR. 

                            I don't know how to make a custom configuration, that just works for PRs against asf-site branch.. That switch you mention will affect every PR right

                            1. We can use this config "branches", place `.travis.yml` at asf-site branch (I did that when I test).

                              We can give it a try (thumbs up)

                            2. hi Vinoth Chandar I found a better way to control whether push build result or not, by using $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST env variable.

                              then the .travis.yml will be updated 

                                - echo $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST
                                - 'if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ]; then echo "ignore push build result for each submit"; exit 0; fi'
                                - 'if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" ]; then echo "pushing build result ..."; fi'
                                - \cp -rf ${DOCS_ROOT}/_site/* content
                                - git add -A
                                - git commit -am "Travis CI build asf-site"
                                - git push origin asf-site