This wiki is now read only. This and new content has been migrated to a new location

The Hive website provides a central portal to all relevant websites and information about the Apache Hive project. Hive documentation is provided by this wiki, which you can edit by following the instructions found on the AboutThisWiki page. To edit the Hive website, follow the instructions on this page, which are based on Apache MRUnit's instructionsThe website uses the Apache CMS. More detailed documentation is available on the Apache Infrastructure pages including a quickstart guide on the Apache bookmarklet and a reference manual. It is also useful to look at other Apache CMS sites for examples.

Website Changes Require Review

Apache Hive requires a review for changes to the website.


  1. Commit a change to the website's source Markdown files located in Before committing test that the site still builds locally by installing the CMS build scripts and running:

    buildsite/ --source-base hive-site --target-base hive-website

    If deleting a file or changing the name of a file make a trivial edit to lib/ or lib/ to force a full site rebuild. If making a simple edit it is easier to just use the Apache bookmarklet.

  2. Wait a few minutes to get the email on the commits list that buildbot has rebuilt the staging website.

  3. If the change looks ok, commit the change to the production website by one of the following:

Posting generated content

  1. Add the path to content/extpaths.txt relative to the extpaths.txt file to prevent the content getting deleted when the staging site is published
  2. Commit the generated content directly to the production site svn


  • Try to limit line length to 80 columns, fold -s <filename> on Linux is helpful for limiting line length
  • Use links in the [link name][] style rather than [link name][1] because it is more difficult to match up the numbers and removing links causes all the numbers to have to get updated
  • Indent with spaces not tabs
  • Use * for lists and indent lists by 2 spaces






  • No labels