Created 08.02.2024


Currently, byte[] → BinaryObject → POJO logic, BinaryMarshaller logic are highly coupled with Ignite core codebase.

This restricts Ignite improvement in the following ways:

  • Hard to improve, fix any aspect of serdes process. As an example of complexity to add any new BinaryType one can look into BinaryArray implementation
  • Can't deliver thin client as tiny jar. Thin client included in ignite-code  module, because, binary infrastracture inside of core.
  • Can't be replaced with other implementation, e.g. JSONB

To unlock further improvements of Ignite in this aspects and possibly provide a way to plugin different implementation of Binary serdes (msgpack, jsonb as an examples) we must to refactor Ignite and extract all Binary related classes to separate module

providing clear abstractions and default implementaion.


Two new modules must be created:

  • ignite-binary-object-api  - "public" interfaces to be used in ignite code. Here we use term "public" in a sense that other part of Ignite codebase know about those classes, but don't know anything about implementation.
  • ignite-binary-object-impl  - implementation of binary infrastructure.

Risks and Assumptions

IEP concentrated on code structure only and must not break any public benavior or API.

  • Does this proposal affect the user in any way?
    • No
  • Does it introduce or remove features?
    • No
  • Does it affect compatibility?
    • No

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