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Original Development milestones and timeline

  1. Community Bonding Period: May 27 - June 16: During the Community Bonding period, I would acquaint myself with the development environment of ISIS. Also, I would read up on concepts like Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control. I would work on learning to work with JS framework Angular JS, Unit Testing framework Karma and Javascript taskrunner Grunt. Firstly, I will setup my dev environment and build a sample application that will expose a JSON api as described here.
  2. Milestone 1: June 17 - June 24: Render a homepage UI with title of app and logo of app (if required).
  3. Milestone 2: June 25 - July 7: Fetch the properties of Domain Entity and design further UI in such a way that a user can add data into these properties, currently all this data can be added into textboxes.
  4. Milestone 3: July 7 - July 21: Improve support to different data types. For strings, there will be textareas and text boxes. For Dates, there will be date picker. For boolean, there will be a toggle button. For enum, there will be a drop-down etc.
  5. Mid semester Evaluation phase: July 22 - July 25: Testing of app and writing documentation.
  6. Milestone 4: Aug 1 - Aug 18: Render the list of entities. Selecting one entity should display all its properties.
  7. Milestone 5: Aug 18 - Aug 30: Achieve editing feature to the properties that were rendered from above step.
  8. Milestone 6: Aug 31 - Sept 10: Handling orientation issues that come with Mobile Devices.
  9. Milestone 7: Sept 10 - Sept 15: Adding User authentication to the mobile app in a good looking UI. The username and password can be saved into phone’s localstorage when app is packaged as Apache Cordova app using localstorage plugin. 6
  10. Final evaluation phase: Sept 15 - Sept 23: Testing app with multiple other projects. Writing Documentation and comments for code written.

Community Bonding Period

w/c 3rd June

  • Fork our [github repo|
  • Any initial code, put into the forked Isis github repo
    • put underneath component/viewer/javascript // or whatever you want to call it...
  • Touch base with Dimuthu and between you each identify a half-dozen or so TODO Restful Objects viewer TCK tests that need implementing
  • implement these tests
  • attach patches to Isis-421

w/c 10th June...

GSoC Period

Product Backlog sheet can be found here. It will have weekly sprint details and daily Scrum updates.

GitHub repo can be found here.

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